Thursday, March 07, 2024

RIP Steve Lawrence

Steve Lawrence passed away today at age 88. For you young folks (including me), he was a singer and actor known to our elders and Vegas-goers of a generation or two ago. You could look him up.

But I'd rather post Mike Myers' rendition of the man, as seen in one of my favorite SNL sketches.



  1. I’m surprised that clip is still available.

  2. Yeah, that surprised me upon rewatch

  3. Did a little bar karaoke last night. One of the other patrons
    picked a song for me to do. Turned out to be Cumbersome. Briar patch, bitch.

  4. Had a beer with the Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland this evening. Yep. That’s right. He’s a BMRN candidate.

    The Fins do a lot of shipbuilding like Hampton Roads, but they are up in Finlandia so instead of submarines they build icebreakers. That was all the talk. I can tell you for sure the “come here often?” quips I offered fell super duper flat. Every. Single. Time.

  5. i assume you told him some of your best friends are short.

  6. I love the idea of Whitney doing shipyard diplomacy over beers and bad jokes with self important people.

  7. These were semi important people. Like I said, they were very short.

  8. Is it too late for me to run for President?
