Monday, February 26, 2024

Rollercoaster Filler

Since you don't seem to enjoy heartstring-pulling songs about dogs, can I interest you in Cam Newton bodying a bunch of dudes who made the insane decision to jump him at a 7v7 football event? Note that a) he never throws a punch, and b) his hat remains perfect. The LeBatard team spent a segment this morning breaking down the whole thing and came away hugely impressed by Newton. Which is the correct take.


  1. today is the last day i'll have a teenaged child. the lamentation of the passage of time is real.

  2. I was hoping for an Ohio Players video

  3. Or even RHCP.

    Maybe 20 years ago, after Malice at the Palace, I was drinking with some guys from high school and somehow we started compiling a list of "top 10 guys you don't want to step to." Mike Tyson, Ray Lewis, Charles Oakley were on there, I voted for Tie Domi and Mitch Green (he's crazy enough to step to Tyson) I can't remember who else. I never thought of Cam Newton as a wrecking machine but he's 6'5" and 250 lbs and he used to run over linebackers. It doesn't make any sense to mess with him.

  4. respect for cam, honestly. based on the video he could’ve inflicted serious injury on those clowns if that was his get down. feels like most dudes would not have been so kind to their fellow man. especially fellow men who wanted to throw down 4 or 5 to 1.

  5. Has there ever been two QBs on the same college roster who could (if they chose to) wreck more people than Tebow and Cam?

  6. You see a ton of such inquiries on the interwebs, but I’d contend (without looking) no such inquiry exists, Mark. Excellent point. And I’d have to say no fucking way. Unless there was some bad assed scrub who liked to scrap it up like Favre at Southern Miss.

  7. regularly scheduled comment: cut the everlovin' shit out of myself shaving this morning. only been shaving for almost 40 years. i'll get it right one of these days. until then, ignore anything i say, because i'm feeling a little dizzy from the blood loss.
