Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Recurring Bit Recurs

It has become obligatory 'round these parts for me to celebrate new releases by the G:TB house band, Old 97's. Since we can't break with tradition, do enjoy the first single from the boys' 13th record, 'American Prime'. In addition to a reliably catchy tune (with a vocal production that seems new), the video that accompanies 'Where the Road Goes' is a fun little time capsule.


  1. merriam-webster said this today: “ It is permissible in English for a preposition to be what you end a sentence with.
    The idea that it should be avoided came from writers who were trying to align the language with Latin, but there is no reason to suggest ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.”

    writers everywhere rejoice at this.

  2. Welcome news about prepositions. Though it puts the kibosh on the old joke:
    Bill's coming to meet us later.
    Excellent. Where's he at?
    You shouldn't end a sentence in a preposition.
    OK, where's he at, asshole?

  3. Fuggin Strunk & White oveh heyeh.

  4. Be careful who your messing with. That feels weird, but I'll work on it.

  5. tryouts for the high school soccer season ended this evening. we had to make cuts for the first time in my coaching career. on the one hand, that's good for the program because it means we have some depth. on the other, i hate hate hate cutting kids. as it is, i kept 21 kids on the jayvee team, which is stupid. but i want as many kids as possible to have the experience of being part of a team.

  6. And by the way, if you wonder whether phones and laptops remain data collection devices geared toward selling stuff, after Donna mentioned Blenko glass among the stuff she'd carry, I looked up their site out of curiosity. Since then, most of my searches include ads for Blenko glass (they do have a lot of cool, decorative stuff).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. blenkooooo. [shakes fist at sky]

  9. a couple that we're friendly with here in the neighborhood just retired. they're older than us, but not by that much. i'm both really jealous and existentially gobsmacked that i'm so much closer to the finish line than the starting blocks.

  10. Remember when you and I moved into a house in Arlington and I took my first real job? (You were on your second, if Pi Lam Pro Frat Guy is a real job.)

    I remember it really well. Good times.

    Yeah, the difference between then and now, looking forward, we'd be 83 years old.

  11. we're gonna make 83 look good

  12. Blenko! In big news of the last week around my house and it does connect to this post in a couple ways - first, I got my Blenko lamp. Yep! Through a series of crazy things that came together, it happened. Not in a "thrift-store, mint condition from 1963, $50 way" (that woulda been awesome), but still, very cool. It might be the coolest damn thing I've ever owned. Heavy block glass (squares), tall, and a square block finial on top in cobalt blue. It's amazing!
    And I pulled off the biggest surprise I ever have and got a rescue, 4-month old, black lab puppy for Clark's BIG birthday that is coming up in March. She's named Leia (as in the Princess, and the whole family chose that). He was floored. Not exactly sure how I managed it. Our 17 y.o. lab, Dobby (yes, 17!!) is adjusting pretty well, and she's a ball of fire. So cute! Here's the other post connection -- Clark is 6.5 years older than I, so turning 6-0. OMDL!! He acts about 35, so this is fairly astonishing to all. While I will never retire, he's definitely looking at that for real. Again, OMDL! Life is good. (Even with lots of hard family things happening, it is. And on that front, things are actually going okay. Preparing to be helpful is good.) Hope y'all are all well, too ~

  13. Hey rob, ignorant soccer coaching question: why is 21 excessive for JV team?

    Two groups of 10 field players (minus GK). Don't various injuries, absences have to be taken into account? You might have only 15-18 players for a given practice or game, no? And my guess is you'll sub liberally when situation permits, so as many as possible feel invested. Of course, I may be a complete idiot about this.

  14. fair question, dave. were i the varsity coach, i’d have no problem keeping 21 because the halves are longer and because i wouldn’t feel compelled to play every kid. in my case, two major factors make 21 a challenge: the games are only 60 minutes long and i play every kid that’s eligible for each game, at least for a little bit. so that’s a lot of moving parts in a quick half/game. we’ll definitely have some injuries and other stuff, so probably won’t have all 21 for every game, but even 18-19 gets hairy.

  15. Makes sense, Pep Russell. Gracias.

  16. I do not care for these FAU uniforms.

  17. For the record, I enjoy OBX Dave calling into question both rob's coaching and his counting. It’s what keeps this blog from going 5-day-bread stale.
