Thursday, February 08, 2024

A Quick but Bo-Day-Shus List

As reported here at Gheorghe: The Blog yesterday, Mojo Nixon has passed on to the great beyond. He and Elvis are hanging out and existing in everything you see, hear, eat, and drink. Do take a second and enjoy Mojo when you feel him. 

Good ol' Mojo. A twangy gravelly sound with rockabilly sensibility (sensibilly?) who suffers no fools like himself and takes aim at whomever and whatever ruffles his overalls. 

As such, I know what you gheorghies're thinkin'... 

What would you say are the best uses of the word "Mojo" in music lyric history? 

Well, you lucky ducks, I happen to have that list handy.

Here ya go:

#3. "L.A. Woman," The Doors

"Mr. Mojo Risin"
the well trod anagram for the Lizard King himself (this video is actually pretty cool)

#2. "Got My Mojo Working," Muddy Waters

"Got my mojo workin', but it just don't work on you"
the best of the songs themselves, this video is worth watching every second

#1. "Punk Rock Girl," The Dead Milkmen

"And security guards trailed us to a record shop / We asked for Mojo Nixon / They said, He don't work here / We said, If you don't got Mojo Nixon then your store could use some fixin'"

this video is vintage low-fi 1988 but worthy, and the Mojo reference is just peaches

There you go. But I would be woefully remiss if I failed to include some Mojo himself!

I enjoy some NSFW stuff like "Louisiana Liplock" and "Vibrator Dependent," but here's his old safe-for-work classic.

...although I should have played "You Can't Kill Me," with its relevant wisdom:

You can't kill me
I will not die
Not now not ever
No never
I'm gonna live a long, long time
My soul raves on forever
You can shoot my body full of holes
but you can't kill the spirit of rock 'n roll

God bless you, Mojo. Rave on.


  1. Sad news about Mojo, not Clarence. I might still have my copy of "Root Hog or Die".

  2. too bad about whitney, though

  3. I never heard of Mojo Nixon and I can't think of any other songs about mojo, but I remember when Austin Powers lost his mojo in Goldmember, and I remember when Don Draper got his mojo back during a cab ride with Anna Camp.

  4. headed to New Orleans tomorrow for a work conference. Super Bowl Sunday, Fat Tuesday... pray for ur boy

  5. Thoughts and prayers, baby Tejus

  6. Been watching the new True Detective — Jodie Foster in northern Alaska for the 30 days of night. Rather frightening but pretty good.

  7. I'm three episodes in, and if not for reading summaries on the internet I wouldn't have picked up on the fact that Travis the dancing ghost is Rust Cohle's father. You reallly have to watch these types of shows very closely and alertly to catch everything.

  8. You have to remember that in Season 1 (which aired in 2014!!) Rust Cohle mentions his father Travis who lives in Alaska and has leukemia, and you have to catch the dialog in Season 4 when someone says Travis's last name is Cohle (which of course could be Cole or Coal or Kohl or any other homonym).

  9. I only picked that up after reading a review of the first 3 episodes (all of which I'd watched) on The Ringer.

  10. One more TV rec: Monsieur Spade on AMC. Clive Owen as Sam Spade (he pulls off world-weary private detective quite well). Story set in France, where Spade has settled, lot of moving parts. Pretty fair dialogue by Tom Fontana ("Homicide") and Scott Frank ("Queen's Gambit").

  11. in his first game since we lauded him, our large adult son robbie avila went for 27 and 8 as indiana state beat valpo by 40. blessing of gheorghe!

  12. Yesterday in the ymca locker room I was chatting with a former teacher of mine, who’s an attorney. Just as he started to share his opinion on the recent special counsel report, a large shirtless dude, entire upper body covered in tattoos,walked in toting a backpack with a speaker blasting ‘try that in a small town’. We opted to table to conversation.

  13. Paradoxically, Roanoke is a pretty big town and in fact I would characterize it as a city.

  14. And more importantly, the special counsel report "totally exonerates" Biden, as Trump would say. Biden is just a complete failure at branding and messaging.

  15. in this case, the special counsel’s gratuitous and perjorative categorization of biden’s mental acuity didn’t help

  16. That was the point my barrister friend was making, before we were interrupted by jason aldean.

    I don't endorse anyone doing that in the locker room, regardless of the content.

  17. Agree. Even if you’re blasting ONJ “Xanadu,” have some respect for others.

  18. rob, the Mueller report lays out one hundred and eighty-some-odd pages of facts and analysis showing how Trump committed obstruction of justice, and the last sentence says "Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." Nevertheless, Trump crowed "it was a complete and total exoneration." And that's what everyone talked about.

    Here, Biden really has "a complete and total exoneration" and instead of him and his comms team are clutching their pearls and pitching a fit over one sentence saying he's "an elderly man with a poor memory," and at least half of that is true.

    Instead they should say "The biased Republican Trump operative special counsel spent [X amount of time] trying to gin up a charge against me, and all he was able to do was COMPLETELY EXONERATE ME!!! In fact, while exonerating me, he said Trump completely mishandled confidential information and obstructed justice! He said that! He said 'several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear' including that Trump 'not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it.' It's on pages 11 and 250 of the Hur report! Merrick Garland and Jack Smith need to throw Trump in leg irons immediately! Even that MAGA Trumpwing Republican Hur agrees!"

    This isn't rocket surgery.

  19. My comms team needs to proof my comments better. I should've said:

    Here, Biden really has "a complete and total exoneration" but he and his comms team are clutching their pearls and pitching a fit over one sentence saying he's "an elderly man with a poor memory," and at least half of that is true.

  20. Florida beat the shit out of #12 ranked Auburn today. I like this Florida team and may be starting to get some ideas about a run in March. May be.

    Also, Kentucky is wearing throwback uniforms today. Which are the same (style) uniforms I wore in HS. While I had coaches I didn’t necessarily love in HS and College, I did have sweet uniforms (my Chowan uniforms were basically rip offs of Carolina’s uniforms).

    You can back to your Trump-Biden banter now.

  21. you’ll be stunned to learn that your tribe lost at delaware this afternoon

  22. The 757 bringing up the rear in the CAA, with W&M 3-9 and Hampton U. 0-12.
