Monday, January 01, 2024

You'll Never Walk Alone

This is the first video I watched in this still-embryonic new page of the calendar. You've likely seen many of its ilk, but that doesn't mean it isn't good for the soul. And the message embodied in Liverpool's anthem feels a pretty fitting way to kick of another year of our Gheorghe. Like Reds' fans, you'll never walk alone in the Gheorghieverse.


  1. Happy New Year to GTB Nation. Hopefully this note finds you without hangover and tackling the new year with vim and vigor.

  2. Happy New Year Gheorghies. Love you all. I did have a bit of a hangover but a workout and a dip in my new cold tub took care of it. Now for some food and football.

  3. gheorghie new year to all. i had a mild hangover that i conquered in time to have a business call at 1030. making things happen from the jump.

  4. Happy New Year to all. Slothful start, which may be a portent or omen or portomen.

  5. happy nhew yhear, gheorghies

    i look forward to whit's completion of gheorghemas by the ides of march

  6. bo nix is gonna get some siiiiide eye at the next revival meeting

  7. They'll always have that first quarter lead. You love to see it.

  8. it's bullshit that we can't bet on virginia college sports if we live in the commonwealth, because oregon only giving 17 points to liberty was a foregone conclusion. at least those false-witnessing asshats got thumped.

  9. brian ferentz signs off with a spectacular final three games. no points in his final 120 minutes as offensive coordinator for iowa. no touchdowns in the final 177 minutes. 328 total yards and 18 first downs over the final two games. just a masterpiece.

  10. Makes you wonder if Big Ten defensive rankings should come with an asterisk.

  11. and if you took the under in every iowa game this season, you'd have gone 11-2. amos alonzo stagg tips his cap.

  12. Liberty didn't really crap themselves any more than Iowa, did they?

    I took a 20 minute spin around the am radio dial while out running a quick errand in my lil town beater car. If seb gorka is any indicator, the combo of sycophancy and hate about to be sprayed at u.s. voters is going to be vile.

  13. That was a fun Rose Bowl. Also an all time shitty play call for Bama on 4th down in ot.

  14. it was a shitty snap, so hard to know what happens with a clean play. but that was a problem for bama the whole game. and if you had bama +1.5, that missed pat for michigan might sit with you for a minute. or so i hear.
