Monday, January 08, 2024

Things I Did Instead of Day 12

I promise that the closing ceremonies of Gheorghemas XXVI are deep in the works, but as another Interlude, I offer up quick Before and After photos.

Sometime in 2022

My hair's been in the "thinning" stage since the early 2000's. Pity, as I used to have a lustrous, thick head of hair. Eh. Things change.

After a long while of considering it, and a number of discussions (including those with my barber) over the last few months, this happened Saturday night.  


And thus I join the ranks of Dave, Mark, Marls, Danimal, and the Teej. Not used to it yet, but I suppose it takes a while. 


  1. man, the hirsute in this place are a minority. and thinning fast, eh, z?

  2. aaah, welcome whit. it is great to have you. and still a hansum devil!

  3. Looks good, but I think you could have held out awhile longer.

  4. Looking dapper, Whit.

    I'm in the same boat. I told my barber to let me know when it is time. I must be getting closer, the last few times before cutting my hair he opens with "so a number two on the sides and back, right?"

  5. I made a similar move in May. My barbers in Boston and NYC always kept it relatively short in front and the crown, encouraging me to embrace the erosion of my hairline. When I moved to the burbs, all the barbers cut it longer in the front and the crown because it provides "some color on top" but it also looks like a combover (which I guess it was). Finally, the young barber at my barber shop asked "what are we doing today" and I said "what do you think about 1 on the sides and 3 on top" and he said "Jesus, I've been waiting for you to say that." I've ended up with more like a 2 on the sides and a 5 on the top. I need to be better about staying on top of it though, once it starts to grow out it looks ... interesting.

  6. And I presume this will have a reverse Samson effect on our man from the 757 and his blogging output will soar now that he's shorn.

  7. just watched the final episode of 'captains' on netflix. forgot how epic that world cup final was. that's the good shit.

  8. In other news, I think four consecutive AFC East titles and the 2 seed in the playoffs means Sean McDermott is safe for another week or two. A friend of mine, I'll call him TR, was at the game last night with his two sons, one of whom is a rabid Fins fan. I did not break his balls too badly while he was trying to find a cab to the hotel from the stadium at 11 pm. Not too badly.

  9. the bills win won me my wkd pick'em, my first and only win of the year! thanks buffalo!
    the the pick'em group, other than my 15-year old son and 45 year old bro-in-law, is comprised of my mother-in-law and 29 other gray hairs from her retirement community. us 3 young lads won a total of 2 wkds. here's to getting old.

  10. some shit goin down at NAR heh TJ?

  11. lol indeed, danimal - for the sake of the other member of our household I am trying to hide my glee at the clown show that place has become (always was?)

  12. You would think McFisty would have cleaned that up a long time ago.

    Welcome to the club Whit. Now I see the familiar resemblance with Rootsy.

  13. Looks good, Whit. Your coif likely was headed one of two ways (no pun intended): the way you chose, or some variation of Christopher Lloyd in his Doc Brown role.

    A buddy with thinning hair and a receding hairline tried to keep it long well beyond its viability date before conceding and going the route you did. Surfer/music hound/local entrepreneur who spent time around musicians and younger folk. Described his effort at maintaining long hair and the accompanying vibe as, "I was trying too hard."

  14. obx dave, imma need you to keep that salad healthy. down to me, you, and mr. kq fighting the good fight. shlara, kq, and donna notwithstanding, natch.

  15. how do the sporting experts at gtb see tonight's natty? i think michigan's got a little bit too much, but washington's frisky and may well come in late with a back door beat of the spread. least i hope that's what happens.

  16. michigan not wearing maize pants? turrrible decision. nearly as bad as fani willis hiring a romantic interest to consult on her trump prosecution. nearly.

  17. I have more issue with Michigan getting pass happy after averaging 19 yards a carry on the first quarter.

  18. Penix missing wide open Odunzie feels like it will loom large.

  19. We'll see how second half unfolds, but Harbaughs had a boot on Huskies' necks early and let them up.

    As for holding the (hair)line, Rob, my coif isn't as dark, curly or long as it once was, but there's been minimal retreat and no bald spots. I keep it mostly short now for convenience. So, yay? That said, I think I've reached the point where I'm as likely to have hair grow out of my ears as my scalp.

  20. Harbaugh to Whit’s Commanders getting some buzz this morning. Must be the haircut.

  21. Interesting. Worth a thought...

  22. If Pat McAfee is trying to get fired (a la the original Toolbag Jim Rome), I'm good with it.

  23. Work closed at 2. High winds and flooding lousing up the region.

  24. several schools here today were closed. looks like d-day at moment, close to darkness.

  25. drove home from a meeting and found myself at a low spot on lawyers road where the water was washing over. cars were getting through, slowly, but i’d be lying if being in the mini didn’t give me some pause. hunkered down for the day now.

  26. Glad you made it ok, little buddy. I always worry about you in high winds and waters.

  27. All of Lawyers Road sounds like a low spot.
