Sunday, November 05, 2023

Herer and Nower

Been a good bit of hubbub about the new Beatles single, "Now and Then", which I think is a perfectly fine little tune. Perfectly fine little tunes aren't really good enough for the greatest band of all time, but we're not here to slag Sir Paul. 

No, we're here to celebrate another blast from the past, or in this case, the alt-past. Thirty years after their biggest hit, "Here and Now", Letters to Cleo are back with a new tune, entitled "Bad Man".

It's a bop, as most of Kay Hanley's stuff is. Just ask Adam Scott.


  1. my dog doesn't seem to have a lot of patience for daylight saving time

  2. Good thing we have your recent post on W&M hoops. Because the football team is flailing away.

  3. Much like revenge, a dog wears no wristwatch.

  4. just when you thought the simulation couldn't get any weirder:

  5. So I know I’m like the lone Washington football fan here now, but the roughing the passer flag in today’s game was — objectively, I swear — the worst and most confusing call I’ve ever seen. Puzzling and frustrating. I guess it’s time to out QBs in a plexiglass booth and go from there. Or just flags. Something… stupid.

  6. Hey Gheorghies, what's shakin?

  7. "all 4 cheeks and a couple of chins"
    who said it?

  8. i usually wouldn't get all that exercised about the wrens taking on an opponent from...checks notes...the national christian collegiate athletic association (nccaa), but i'm fine if w&m tries to beat regent by 100.

  9. "It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearin' Milk Bone underwear." -- Norm Peterson

  10. Woody: Can I pour you a draft, Mr. Peterson?
    Norm: A little early, isn't it, Woody?
    Woody: For a beer?
    Norm: No, for stupid questions.

  11. Hey, Mr. Peterson, Jack Frost nipping at your nose?
    Yep, now let's get Joe Beer nipping at my liver, huh?

  12. I knew that was too easy for this crew

  13. great first half for the lady buffs against that bad lady’s team. don’t think they can keep it up against lsu’s talent, but that was fun to watch.

  14. are they now known as the 'bad ladies'? May as well go full heel, I suppose.

  15. the players are good ladies. their coach, not so much.

  16. all in on the lady buffs. obvs. collision course with whit's cocks. there's probably a better way to phrase that.

  17. Dukes over Mich State last night in hoops. How ‘bout it?!
