Friday, September 15, 2023


As you obviously know, Car Seat Headrest is from my home town here in the Virginia Piedmont. And you doubtlessly are aware that the legendary Patsy Cline hails from just over the mountain in Winchester, VA, same as Danimal and a bunch of other FOG:TB. Looks like we've got one more talent to add to the list of locals made good.

Jake Kohn is - literally - a kid from Winchester. The Sherando High School student recently made his first appearance at The Grand Ole Opry, singing his own original stuff. Check this out:

And this:

Would you believe me if I told you that voice was coming from a 16 year-old kid? Makes a soul think of Deco from The Commitments, when a similarly-aged Andrew Strong played a lead singer with a voice far ahead of its years.

Kohn just signed his first recording contract. Watch this space for the come up.


  1. The woods are a popular video venue for unsigned Virginian musicians.

  2. Not Les Coole. Not yet, at least.

  3. No Alex Chilton either, as far as mature 16 year old vocalists.

    Zman's observation is spot on. There's a kid around Roanoke named Colby Helms who makes similar looking videos. Maybe I'll get in the game.

  4. Car Seat Headrest also has strong W&M ties.

  5. Cool songs nonetheless. I knew we would have a doublepost today--I figured no one else cares about the Tigers but their win deserved a short entry in the GTB archive.

  6. I just got my first email from vivek. How exciting!

  7. if you enjoy morning college football talk, the rock, and the frisson of excitement you get from seeing a kid you know by proxy on television, tune into espn gameday at 9 am tomorrow.

  8. they need to show more cheerleaders.

  9. I think I might’ve just seen your kid. Such fun!

  10. she was in the group outside the restaurant. got a solid 10 seconds of screen time. much excited.

  11. And good morning, gheorghies, from the Crescent City. The missus surprised me with an early bday gift of two tickets to see Jason Isbell in New Orleans last night. As has been said, she’s a keeper.

    Show was fantastic. My GTB-highlighted (highlit?) friend Ned and his wife are playing host and went to the show with us. Good days and nights here. As always.

  12. It's a bit early for Crescent City Whitney to be up and commenting, no?

  13. It is. Started a bit early yesterday and had woken up at 4am EDT to get there. Wiped out after the show, hit the hay at a very un-Whitneyish hour.

  14. Coach Prime is an American treasure.

  15. Nice post, Rootsy and thank you for making me/us aware of this young'n. Just when I thought more greatness couldn't possibly come out of there.

    Kind of a meh day in terms of cfb match-ups other than UF/UT...should be a good one.

  16. I can't take credit for the post. It was Rob.

  17. if we're making a top five list of dudes who haven't aged all that well, josh heupel's gotta be on it, no?

  18. alert: tennessee has a receiver named squirrel white. my man.

  19. Can't lie. I was not doing well mid second half. Florida was racked with injuries and a grown man who goes by Billy was getting entirely too conservative.

    Current status: Psyched. This program needed to show proof of concept on a large scale. Tonight was the night. Still plenty of work to do but our team and recruits can see the future. Long season though. I love CFB but god damn do I hate it.
