Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Teaser Filler

Turns out you can see the Rockies for the first time on Interstate 76 when you hit Exit 49 for Painter Road in Weld County. That's about 130 miles into Colorado from Nebraska, and 50 miles or so from Denver. From the beginning of our road trip, my kid said we were gonna play a specific song as soon as we saw the mountains. And so we did. 

Here's a teaser for the travelogue to follow:


  1. Shlara - Thanks for the head's up on the leprosy breakout! Who knew? Not me. Will stay away from central Florida which in this state translates to "The Villages".

  2. what was the specific song?

    i hope it was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daqWqAM5EC4

    much better than john denver . . .

  3. hiked a 6.6er this morning. 1300 feet of rise over the first mile. no big deal.

  4. Squirrels are notoriously strong climbers.

  5. pour some out for robbie robertson. fanny took his mortal load off.

  6. I have mixed feeling about Robbie. An incredible writer and guitarist, for sure.

    I wouldn't have guessed Garth Hudson would be the last member of The Band standing. I guess clean living can add some years onto the back end.

  7. Rootsy - what are your concerns about RR?

  8. Robbie Robertson was the businessman in the bunch and tweaked the songwriting royalties to favor himself. Debatable how much of that music and those lyrics came out of his brain. The other fellas seemed to resent him along the way.

  9. Time for trivia questions about The Band…

    Easy: What was the name of their final show, recorded at the Winterland Ballroom on Thanksgiving Day in 1976?

    Medium: What award-winning director filmed it?

    Hard: What rock and roll hall of famer had to have his footage edited by said director because a rock of cocaine was clearly visible in his nostril during his performance?

  10. I'm going to recuse myself from triva, and say Whit touches the points that are basis for my feelings. But it goes a bit beyond royalty squabbles, composing controversy, and the resentment that comes from being the one with an eye on the prize in a loose knit band of dudes.

    Robertson wrote great songs for The Band. The voices of Manuel, Danko & Helm elevated them to classics. Robbie's guitar and Garth Hudson's genius took it even higher. But to have such an instrument as "The Band" to write for (and with, before the group dynamic and lifestyle sapped the others' motivation) and walk away bums me out as a fan. But from the perspective of the guys that want to keep it going, forcing a big grand FINAL concert (with your new buddy marty filming it all) is a bit of a dick move.

    All that harshing said, I'm just finishing up spinning both sides of The Band. That album is a masterpiece, and Robbie's outro on King Harvest is pretty bitchin...
