Monday, August 14, 2023

Emergency Absurd Filler

With news coming out of Fulton County, GA that the grand jury investigating That Fucking Guy's conduct in the wake of the 2020 election is voting on potential charges, we're poised for a couple of the stupidest days online in recent memory. Which is saying a whole fucking lot.

In preparation and to let you focus on things whimsical, here's a song to get your head straight.

Please feel free to add your favorite absurdities to this thread-starter.


  1. thought you guys would like the funny rednecks a bit more. need to recalibrate the algorithm.

  2. Everybody on summer vacation?

  3. Not me. Just in my house working like a loser. Not sure I'd even want to be on summer vacation around here right now. August is record setting hot in Florida. Just brutal. heat and humidity.

  4. I could use a summer vacation that doesn't involve being de facto staff at a family wedding. I don't think it's in the cards for this summer. At least the weddings are over.

  5. i worked today! four hours of copy/pasting curriculum bullshit. it was rough.

  6. That is a long time to do something so tedious.

    I'm currently in the dumbass position of having to work extra so I can prepare to look for some help, while also doing much of the work of the departed person. It kinda sucks.

  7. I’m on vacation! Ortley Beach.

  8. just spent 5 hours building ikea furniture after spending most of the morning moving shit into my kid’s new apartment. now we drink.

  9. Learned of a new beach today. Thanks Zed.
    Hotter than blue blazes as Mark said. Vacation days are over, kids are back in school. Living the dream.

  10. still shaking off the stupor of Spain

  11. As much as I already miss the slower pace of summer, it's nice and quiet 'round the home office and football is so. very. close.

    Not looking forward to the first soccer tournament of the season this weekend that includes a 5:30 am wake up call on Saturday and a second game at 1 pm in what promises to be 95+ degree heat and unbearable levels of humidity.

  12. boulder is blessedly free of stifling humidity. it's such a gorgeous place. i'd live here in an instant, but for the fact that it's as expensive as it is beautiful. we're staying in the basement apartment of a house in north boulder. the place is really nice - a pretty craftsman, 4200 square feet, 5 bed/5 bath (including the apartment). it's roughly the same size as my house in virginia - maybe slightly bigger. zillow has it valued at *cough* $2.7m. that's more than 3x what i could sell my house for. good gracious.

  13. Speaking of Spain, they play England in the final. Comments, robbie?

  14. I’ve eaten an inordinate amount of Taylor ham so far this week. They should put statins in the water supply. zmother-in-law just arrived for a two-day stay. She’s packed as if she’s moving in forever.

  15. i should do a match preview, but the short of it is that both teams are really good, spain is building a dynasty, england are defending european champions, the spain players absolutely loathe their coach, and england are probably slight, slight favorites. should be an excellent match.

  16. I suspect Rob is loitering in Colorado due to myriad factors beyond his progeny. Civilized World Cup start times, plentiful herbal medicine options, tr right down the road. A guy could get used to that.
