Wednesday, July 05, 2023

USA Week

Let's keep the flags waving and the celebration* rolling, shall we?

* Not to include concussive explosions, which scare the shit out of my poor anxious dog

Keira D'Amato is a 38 year-old mother of two. She went to Oakton High School in Northern Virginia, then attended American University. She resides in Richmond, where she's a realtor.

Oh, and she just became the fastest female half-marathoner in U.S. history. And she already held the American record in the marathon

Both of the stories linked above are worth a read. The TL:DR version is this: after a successful collegiate career, a series of foot injuries quashed D'Amato's competitive running aspirations. Or so she thought. After having her first child, she started running to relieve stress, and realized she was pretty fast. She reconnected with her post-college coach, started training in earnest, and became one of America's best distance runners, while working and raising a family. 

Keira D'Amato, fuck yeah.


  1. On a slower, and far lamer note, I'm in the market for a used minivan.

  2. Dave has one with what I assume is quite a few dents and dings.

  3. Why is the expression "no love lost"? Like there's no love lost between those two foes.

    Isn't the reality that all of the love is lost?

  4. to have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all, though

  5. My understanding is that the expression is colloquial as hell and is a more genteel way of saying, 'I hate that guy.' Someone will lose none of their tank of love toward said person they despise.

  6. Right, the two competitors disliked each other before the match, so there is no love between them to be lost.

  7. That’s how I understand it as well. A nicer way of saying “I always hated that motherfucker”.

  8. You what I don’t hate though- taking the afternoon of July 5th off at the last minute and going boating. Wasn’t much getting done today anyhow.

  9. Appreciate the clarification and agree with Mark that that shit ain’t bad

  10. Are you looking to discuss the origins of another saying?

    Maybe this one…
