Saturday, July 01, 2023

New In-House Music: Friends and Neighbors

Howdy, friends and neighbors.

The latest offering from one of the handful of house bands here at Gheorghe: The Blog and Music Source has hit the streets.

Now that I mention it, who's on the roster of those rostered G:TB&MS bands?

  • Random Idiots
  • Rootstone
  • Greasetruck
  • Almighty Yojo? Was that a musical act?
  • Les Coole and the Cukes
Who else?
There are likely other acts and offshoots I've forgotten or never heard. Please pipe up if you've been omitted (Z as in Zamfir, Timmy and the Tubesteaks, etc.).

Anyway, here's the freshest scoop to keep you in the loop. The dopest track from the old New Jack. (A certain Weenie used to call me New Jack Lester.) 

It's . . . well, it's new. That's good enough.

Here's an up-close work at the artwork, replete with a photo take in Igor's 2 weeks ago,

And here's the track. Anyone with video-making skills (or with a youngster whose skills invariably put ours to shame), I'd love to craft something visual so that these YouTubes aren't so dull.

Cheers, friends and neighbors.


  1. That's a real song! Available on Spotify too. Nicely done.

  2. Gheorghies, hello from Aruba, where my albino ass has applied sunblock two million four times already today and am still losing the battle with sun god Ra

  3. Hey Dave, dovetailing with your most recent podcast episode about car culture, there's a book by Henry Grabar titled "Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains The World."

    Among its main points are that we devote more square footage to parking a car than housing a person. All those parking lots and multi-story parking garages damage the environment, tear up architecture, and impede quest for affordable housing. Parking mandates discourage building apartments and affordable housing, because of requirements baked into building codes. As if you need more ammo for your automobile rants.

  4. Yeah Whitney - well done!

    And thanks for knocking our man at the beach's dark prognostications down a few column inches. I discovered last night the apple tv mlb broadcast give you multiple audio feed options for your stream, so I'm not saying all progress is bad.
