Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fun with Art

It is rare that the NFL, protector of Lord Football, defender of manly American values, waver of the flag, serious of purpose (the purpose being to make shitloads of money for franchise owners) engages in any sort of whimsical enterprise. So I think it essential that we celebrate those fleeting moments.

Recently, several NFL rookies (Bryce Young, Bijan Robinson, and Xavien Flowers, among several others) sat down to paint their team logos from memory. The results were memorialized on t-shirts as part of an Homage x NFL collab.

This is inspired silliness, and I am here for it. In fact, I think the league should go one better. Each year, throwback uniforms add a little bit of interest (and opportunities for merch sales). Going forward, I think one team each year should have (get?) to wear helmets based on their rookie's artwork. Jags fans would be all over this from Tank Bigsby:

You know you want it. 


  1. aaron gordon rolled out of ball arena, shirtless and still in his game shorts, to hang out with fans after the nuggs win last night. legend.


  2. Josh Allen did this first.


  3. “First” is a bold claim, considering how many sports championships have been played throughout the centuries. Chick Stahl partied with the Royal Rooters in Beantown when the Americans won WS1, everybody knows that. But Chick even said then he was only doing what gladiators and the ancient Greeks did after their sporting feats back when.

  4. pour out a trickle of water crawling ‘cross a dust-choked red-stained arroyo for cormac mccarthy

  5. is that jags shirt whimsical or an indicator of chronic traumatic encephalopathy?

  6. I am liking the new Isbell record quite a bit

  7. i'm trying to make some minor repairs to a dining room chair. i need a drill to accomplish the task. i have four different cordless drills. i have three different batteries, none of which have any juice. i have zero chargers for the batteries, at least that i can find. i am so, so bad at adulting.

  8. Should we jam Rob for his failure to have a working drill? That’s weak. Sports radio in Colorado has been fun the last couple days. They’re stoked, and I even though I prefer sports agony, I’ve derived a modicum of joy from their exuberance.

    On a bird about to take me back east now. No 4am post for me for a good while.

  9. In New Orleans for a conference. Last night was reasonably tame. Good fun at 5 or 6 spots, including a few rounds at the Monteleone, a drink at the Napoleon House, and a good dinner at Felix’s. Oh, and Igors.

    This night… we shall see.

  10. Returned home from Hughes Family Vacation today. Twas "mostly" a great time. That's because on Monday night after a great meal and some drinks and the NBA Finals, I woke up at around 3 in the morning with that very unwelcome rumble. What followed was the worst night of puking I can recall. For context, my kid had thrown up all over her bed late Thursday night/early Friday morning and I cleaned it all up. Thought I was in the clear. I was most definitely not. Spent the last day of vacation on the couch achey, chilly and completely useless. Kind of bummer to end the vacation that way but better than to start the vacation that way.

    Now I'm home and finally starting feel better. Also looking forward to not going anywhere for the next month after 3 straight weeks of events and travel.

  11. i have a drill with a plug-- solves all those problems.

  12. I bought a $20 drill at the start of my sophomore year at W&M to hang my bed and assemble a picnic table. I still have it and it works great. You plug it into an outlet so you don't need a charger.

  13. Greetings Gheorghophiles.
