Thursday, May 11, 2023

Gheorghasbord: Appreciation Exploration

Many of us have been profuse in our admiration for Professor G. Truck's recent two-part podcast series entitled, The Mysteries of Your Musical Taste. Based on books by Susan Rogers and Ogi Ogas (made up name, obviously) and Derek Thompson, the podcasts unpack the different elements of songs/artists that attract and repel individual listeners. After listening to both episodes, I've found myself thinking more about how I appreciate music and art. And both together.

Here are a few things that have struck me recently in the context of my own musical and artistic taste as better understood through Professor G. Truck's work.

As it relates to novelty, I came across the incredible virtuosity of the Bill Orcutt Guitar Quartet in a Tiny Desk Concert released in April. I've never heard anything like it. It fascinates me, but I still don't know if I *like* it or not.

In the same vein, my eldest child told me about Magma, a French jazz-rock outfit that's been making music since 1969. It's weird and puzzling and completely unique. I like their vibe. I don't think I dig the music.

I admire Bruce Springsteen for a lot of reasons. Dig a lot of his tunes. But I've never really been a superfan. Must be a timbre thing. But this collaboration with Dr. John is right on.

We'll take a detour for a moment into art. Specifically AI-generated movie trailers. And at an even more granular level, whimsical conflagrations of Star Wars and Wes Anderson. I like saturated color palettes, whimsy, and fantasy. Don't judge me.

Now to a couple of bands that puzzle me. Spoon and The National have instantly recognizable sounds. In the case of the former, it's the guitar-driven, fuzzy production. For the latter, it's Matt Berninger's unmistakable voice and dark, rich melodies. I like just about everything I've heard from both bands. And yet I never seek them out. I'm content to enjoy them when they come to me, and that's enough. Too much blending of above the neck and below the neck for me to really fall for them? Dunno. You have bands like that?

Now that we've meandered through stuff that intrigues me but isn't always top of my list (though Bloodbuzz Ohio would always make a top X playlist), a brief exposition of what does turn me on is in order. I won't belabor it, because you can find examples strewn hither and yon all over this here website. While I can get into a lot of music, from hip hop to old country to straight ahead rock and roll, I really dig melodic, rhythmic stuff with a particularly guitar-driven aesthetic. Early R.E.M. is on the list. Old 97s, obvs. Bob Mould (and Sugar). Wilco. Crowded House. And from Lucinda Williams to Jenny Lewis to Miranda Lambert to Susanna Hoffs to Neko Case et al, I've always been drawn to unique female voices singing alt-to-pop music. 

I really appreciate the work Professor G. Truck did to open my head up to the whys of my musical taste. Now I might need to get me on the listening bench so he can to analyze what's really going on here.


  1. I'm going to listen to part 2 this weekend. I think I know what I like, but maybe Dave will enlighten me further.

  2. Many bands puzzle me, including, just to provoke some ire here, The Old 97s and Outkast. Some of their songs are tremendous but I can't get into their albums.

    Go see The National live and you will be a fan. I can't think of a good reason why you aren't into Spoon either.

  3. And the Wes Anderson Star Wars video is a masterpiece.

  4. back from picking up the kid in boulder. love that place, man.

    now starting to think about the road trip back there in august. taking her car, so we're going cannonball run-style. anyone know of a good online resource to plan a multi-day road trip?

  5. Dave and I drove to Colorado together 20 years ago. We have the perfect game plan for you. We’ll share more, but here’s a preview:

    - Plan to wake up at 6:30 in the DC area and drive to Missouri on Leg 1
    - Stay up til 3:30 throwing darts and drinking the night prior
    - Leave at 6:30 anyway, because fuck you
    - Enjoy!

    More to come…

  6. Zman has conflicted feelings about Outkast? Well damn, now we have our first fight.

  7. Gimme a call and we can listen to Shimmy Shimmy Ya while we work through it.

  8. wife and i ate at a pub in boulder that *only* took cash and checks. it was weird eating in 1962.

  9. Some bars in NYC and other locales have been like that for… too long. Don’t want to pay the CC fees and such. Maybe the IRS, too. In some circles, cash is still king.

  10. Cash rules everything around me.

  11. Nothing makes me feel more like and old man than when I try and pay with cash and get the scrunchy face like I'm doing something dirty. I guess some people like to pay processing fees and report all of their income.

  12. donna, how's the patient doing?

  13. If you’re going to do something dirty you should always pay cash.

  14. speaking of cash, that fucker dan snyder just walked with a fuckton. small price to pay for a fanbase to be able to see the sun again, i suppose.

  15. Not surprisingly, my Italian father in law always has a huge wad of cash on him. I try to keep around $200 of cash on me at all times. Just because you never know.

    For those of you who didn’t get Zman’s joke re: Shimmy Shimmy Ya (everyone but me and TJ), apparently that’s Z’s ringtone for me. I’m truly honored.

    Seriously. Nobody outside of my immediate family has a special ringtone. If any of you assholes call me it’s going to be the beginning of They Reminisce Over You.

  16. i don't have a ringtone for anyone. that's an excellent idea for a post, though. squeaky's definitely getting something from frightened rabbit or tender earthworm.

  17. just followed woody johnson to try to win tix to the jets/bills season opener. cross your fingers, teej and zed - y'all are going when i win.

  18. To be fair that’s my ringtone for a bunch of friends. If I hear that I know it’s a fun call. By contrast, zmom’s ringtone is an air raid siren.

  19. Well, fuck off, Z. You don’t get your own ringtone.

  20. z really could've played the last couple of days better
