Friday, February 10, 2023

The Gheorghe List: Accents of the English-Speaking World

I've been down a rabbit hole for several weeks thanks to Jacinda Ardern.

The former Prime Minister of New Zealand announced her resignation on January 19 after five and a half years in office. In normal eras, the affairs of the Kiwi government wouldn't register much in these parts, but Ardern was noteworthy because of her age (when she took office at 37, she was the youngest head of state in the world) and her acclaimed handling of a number of major crises, including the Christchurch shooting and the COVID-19 pandemic.

While Ardern is certainly worthy of acclaim, I didn't get sucked in by the political moment. Rather, the occasion meant that I heard a lot of Kiwi accents on various newscasts. And so the rabbit hole in question had a soundtrack of liltingly transformed vowels.

[This bit with Stephen Colbert and Ardern has a lot of Colbert's American non-accent, too, but it's quite amusing.]

As I was digging in on New Zealand's accents, I stumbled across a really interesting series of videos curated by Erik Singer, an American dialect coach. In them, he and several other experts travel across the country virtually, slipping effortlessly in and out of regional accents while explaining the linguistic and historical intricacies of our American (and a bit of Canadian) tapestry of speech. It's fascinating, and if you dig diphthongs, glottal stops, and vowel shifts, these videos are for you. (Singer also bears more than a passing resemblance to Carbon Leaf lead singer and noteworthy FOGTB Barry Privett.)

The most fascinating bit of the first video is historian, linguist, artist, and teacher (polymath, really) Sunn m'Cheaux's exposition on the Geechie language of the Gullah people, which remains largely intact in parts of the lowcountry South. I think it strikes me so much because it's such a distinctly different version of English than the ones I encounter on a regular basis. As a Virginian descended from New Englanders who grew up in Alabama for a spell and who's spent a lot of time in Minnesota over the past decade, I've heard a lot of American English. I have not, however, heard many native Gullah speak. Or in the case of m'Cheaux's video below, sing.

I made a list of the accents I find the most appealing, and then stumbled across this article from the New Zealand Herald celebrating the fact that the nation's accent had been deemed the sexiest in the world in a poll conducted by Big 7 Travel in April 2019. The poll's top three (Kiwi, South African, and Irish) were all among my top five, so I'm either totally conformist, or clearly able to tap into the zeitgeist. The latter, I think.

Without further ado, then, here's the definitive Gheorghe List of the top five English accents in the known world:

1. New Zealand/Kiwi

2. Irish

3. South African

4. Jamaican

5. Nigerian

Honorable Mention (and a nod to Mr. KQ's wise counsel) - here's Len Pennie reciting a poem she wrote to support Scottish sports.


  1. Scotland would like a word.

  2. what would that word be? eejit? naff? bawbag?

    one of the best follows on twitter is a young scots woman named len pennie (@lenniesaurus). she posts a scots word of the day - always entertaining, always informative. she takes a shitload of abuse from wee shites talking about her appearance and such, which is awful. i should've included her, at least.

  3. Always love a chance to get any Conchords-related content.

  4. I don have a fuggin acksint. Oveh heyeh in Jerzy we speak purfickly clearly. Aw deez udduh fuggin mutts cant tawk worf shit.

  5. I was gonna say… Jersey/NY/Longisland is English. And Bama. (Mostly.) And my fave of all time, Minnesoda/Fahrgo.

  6. I was finally able to nail down the Welsh accent at the end of being immersed in it for 3 days. It’s a toughie. Amorphous at times.

  7. as it happens, all of those are featured in the video. go edify yourselves.

  8. A retro weekend for the kid. Tonight I go to the fabled local cinema for the late show… Pink Floyd: The Wall. Woolers and popcorn and Roger Waters’ boyhood nightmares.
    Tomorrow I’m headed to Cville to see a band I saw a bazillion times in high school and college called Indecision. Rolling numbers and throwing back chilly pops.

    It’s 1987 all over again.

  9. nice. tomorrow i’m going to see the alvin ailey dance theater at the kennedy center. so nothing at all like my 1987.

  10. Since we're doing weekends. I thankfully am not coaching both soccer and basketball this weekend. Just basketball. Then the kid is having a sleepover so the wife and I get a night to ourselves. That's negated by having to attend a Bizzarro baptism (and after party) on Sunday. Luckily, its Super Bowl Sunday so I can use smoking wings and making potato skins as my excuse to cut out early. So many fucking Italians.

  11. okay, I'll jump in. Tomorrow, we're throwing a party for a friend of ours hitting a big, round numbered birthday - in fact, I believe the Marls triumvirate are scheduled to attend said shindig. As is the Wheelhouse Jerry clan. Expecting to host 45 or so folks, did catering this time because of the sheer number (BBQ), though I had to fight Jess tooth and nail to not do all the food. This means Sunday I will be an absolute shell of myself, but have until 6:30 to be functional for the super bowl

  12. Interested in what a Bizarro baptism is!

  13. I saw Alvin Ailey dance 30 years ago —amazing! I’m going to our favorite ‘burg tomorrow to see a college friend for lunch/catching up —Cheese Shop! And then friends over for Super Bowl after morning work (of course). Daughter is singing at church I serve, which is unusual, so special this week. And bonus future news…y’all familiar with Best New Artist, Samara Joy? She’s jazz singer and is coming to small venue here in Newport News in April. Exciting!

  14. Gonna need a lot of holy water to get the original sin off that Bizzaro kid.

  15. Tribe hasn’t won since I said they would finish 9-9. They’re now 4-9. Today they lost to a trash Elon team. They may now win until next season.

  16. oh boy! they lost to Elon...have you ever worn Abe Lincolin in November?

  17. says here that dane needs to win three of five and at least make the tournament semis to save his job. that team has some talent - shouldn’t be losing to shit teams at this point in the season.

  18. In Charlottesville, was going to smirk when they lost to Duke, they skated by on a lucky break in regulation. Alas…

  19. …not that I mind Duke losing

  20. just watched ‘the banshees of inisherin’. what a weird, gripping, by turns funny and gruesome film. never seen anything quite like it. farrell and gleeson are brilliant, the cinematography is spectacular, the supporting cast is terrific, and the story is poignant and wildly unpredictable.
