Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Real World Mad Libs

I've dabbled with the notion that we're living in a simulation as a thought exercise from time to time. Even wrote about it in these here pixels a while ago. Thought about it a lot more recently, and I've come to what seems to be an inescapable conclusion.

We are, in fact, living in a simulation. But it's more than just a garden-variety matrix. That'd be too simple. No, my friends, we're actually living inside the Mad Libs of a smart, slightly-deranged teenaged god. Think an adolescent Mark Leyner with the power to control an entire universe.

Leyner himself (or perhaps the ur-Leyner that's pulling the strings) has alluded to the reality of our existence in his work. For example, this quote from The Tetherballs of Bougainville: “We have nothing in this life of suffocating obligation but our motherfucking impudence!” Or this bit of worlds within worlds wink and a nod, “Even those who consider all this total bullshit have to concede that it's upscale, artisanal bullshit of the highest order.” 

I could go on. Okay, one more - this, from The Sugar Frosted Nutsack, “fate is the ultimate preexisting condition.”

The case is pretty solid. And our teen god overlord has been on a heater of late. George Santos is a particularly inspired bit of comedyparodypathos. Classified documents strewn across the various living quarters of a succession of senior political leaders, a nice touch, especially the back and forth to the point of stereophonic barking of the partisans on both side. Tucker Carlson going after M&M's for being gay and getting Mars to change the characters' costumes and roll out Maya Rudolph in what has to have been a bit where all the principals dutifully played their parts. Fucking balloons that might be aliens engaging in dogfights with F-22 aircraft all over the North American continent!

The mass shootings, though, that'll bring you back to "reality".


  1. You're really trying to get a U-S-A chant going here, eh? Everything is fine.

  2. I was going to leave a silly comment but that last sentence was like a slap to the face.

  3. 'twas good Rootsy. I'm a lightweight in that arena.

  4. An Amish farmer alleges that Congressman George Santos (R-NY) stole puppies from him after the lawmaker wrote him a bad-check.

    come ON, man

  5. Kevin Mcarthy loves Witness, this is where he will draw the line.

  6. Glad we could get the discourse around here back to it's customary level.

  7. this is weird. i was just downstairs writing the outline for my next podcast-- about mark leyner! so strange. and my thesis is this-- which you touch upon: back in the 90s, when leyner was at his finest-- there was nothing like his writing. eventually, his writing was like surfing the early internet. now, leyner is still writing books-- I just read one, but something is wrong. is it him or us? rob hits the nail on the head-- reality has become weirder than art, the internet has replaced mark leyner. miraculously coincidental!

  8. pitchers and catchers! hope springs eternal! unless you're a nats fan!

  9. kihei clark has now played more acc games than any player in history. ain't that something?

  10. i really hope i get a cameo in the podcast. lemme know if you need me to send you some audio, dave.

  11. wrenmen out on the island to face stony brook this evening. big one for tournament seeding purposes - both teams are 5-9 in caa play. tribe beat the seawolves by three in the burg in late january.

  12. Eagerly awaiting Danimal’s GTB review post for “Full Swing.”
