Monday, December 26, 2022

Silly Walk It Off

As I sit and sip my coffee on this Boxing Day morning, I'm aware of the need to burn some of the many calories that come with the holiday period. I've got my normal outlets, but sometimes a body looks for variety. And lo and behold, something came to my attention that intersects absurdly well with the interests of the denizens of this corner of the internet.

According to researchers at Arizona State University, 11 minutes a day of walking in the manner of John Cleese's Mr. Teabag from the Ministry of Silly Walks is sufficient to meet the standard recommended weekly threshold for vigorous exercise. Seriously. They did a study and everything. Published it in the BMJ, a British Medical Journal.

It should be noted that Michael Palin's not particularly silly walk does not confer the same exercise benefits as Cleese's. So you may need to practice in order to get the proper amount of exertion. I think you're up for it.

So if you're looking for a new cardio regimen to start the new year, new you campaign, I think you know what to do. Silly, funny, absurd, and functional. Just like us.  


  1. Love this, Robbie. May the brilliance of the minds behind Monty Python receive the respect they deserve forever.

  2. How long would it take to walk like this from the Martha Wood to Tortuga's Lie? That would be quite a scene.

    My smug secret suspicion that I'm immune to Covid was rendered false this morning. I feel fine, but got my first positive test.

    That leaves only one holdout in our house. He either had it last week, when we didn't test because we didn't want to ruin Nutcracker, or is about to get it.

    Today would be good, as we just learned that his upcoming trip to DC is a bit more adult oriented than we're comfortable with for a 16 year old.

  3. Cleese is a damn treasure. Here's a couple minutes of his eulogy for Graham Chapman, if you haven't seen.

  4. what luka did last night! holy shit.

  5. Listening to Rock the Bells ch 43 on SXM. LL, Greg Nice, Z-trip doing Salute the Sample. A Grandmaster Caz + Sha Rock number has a salsa song as the skeleton, and these dudes listened to the original salsa with effusive admiration before then breaking the hip-hop down with expert dexterity. Cool shit, LL.

  6. You need to listen to Dave's most recent Augury podcast.

  7. I listen to them all! So should you!

    (And I don’t just listen because I’ve been name-checked once or twice.)

  8. thanks guys! i need to name check everyone more often-- i get a little lost defying all the augury . . .

    also, what the hell happened to gheorghemas?

  9. gheorghemas cannot be understood by standard conceptions of time, space, or rationality. it unfolds according to its own rhythm, as foretold by the prophecy.

  10. The bowl season has been underwhelming. The NBA has been far better over the last week. Until CFB went full “hold my beer” tonight. Wow.

  11. play a little keepy-uppy for the late pele.

  12. Pele, my man. Stud who entered the Stephen Talkhouse with a looker under each arm and who wouldn’t high five our drunk buddy. Cool cat. The king.

  13. That Python clip ends before Mrs. Two Lumps comes in with a tray and two cups of tea, most of which she spills whilst executing her silly walk. Great stuff.

  14. So, my younger kid is about to hop the Amtrak from DC back home. We booked his tix on Christmas eve so he could meet up with friends and see a couple of them perform in Nutcracker last night.

    We were clued in later by someone that he was mainly going to spend time with a girlfriend (that we didn't know about), who is a pre-trainee at Washington Ballet and lives on her own with a roommate, but no adult supervision. They're both 16.

    We discussed with him at length the temptations, choices, and consequences that could present themselves on this trip. He assured us that he had all kinds of other plans for the trip. He got off the train yesterday and bee-lined to the GF's place. He left for the ballet (she was in it) and made it to his cousin's place nearby by midnight last night. He was up and back at the GF's apartment before 9 this morning, and eventually turned his phone off so we couldn't track him anymore. My wife is pissed! He eventually got back to her with a lame excuse.

    I'm considerably less surprised by his choices than she is, but I'm not sure how to thread this needle. I want to advise him to turn up ready to do damage control, but it's a perilous situation.

    Sorry for the rant. Needed to get that off my chest.

  15. this feels like one where mom has to get her licks in, then dad has a chance to talk about a man’s responsibility to his lady friend. but there definitely will be some needle-threading.

  16. Yes. There will be some licks for sure. I fear that they may be worse than needed, owing to the fact that she has had covid over her Christmas break (if it happened during school she'd get free days off), and has lost her sense of taste and smell. Top it off with feeling duped by your 16 year old, and you've got the makings for a salty mama!

  17. don’t know if y’all are following the andrew tate/greta thunberg saga, but it’s amaaaazing

  18. Rootsy- licks are warranted. But they’ll only go so far. It’s an opportunity for a man to man talk. I don’t have a boy but that’s how I was approached.

    Also, gotta let Mama go full Mama sometimes.

  19. But did he thread the needle?

  20. Unsure whether the metaphorical needle was threaded by my youngster. Early returns say no.

    He got home too late to have a serious talk last night. That will come sometime today, I suppose. Keep it locked here for all of the updates!
