Monday, December 19, 2022

Joy Personified

We make no bones about our affinity for scenes people experiencing joy. Words aren't really necessary for this one. Here's Andres Cantor, the legendary Argentinian soccer broadcaster, calling the moment La Albiceleste clinched the 2022 World Cup title:

That's the good stuff. 


  1. to rootsy’s question in the previous thread: big beers at fedex were $17. not a typo. had a good time, but not much has changed about how shitty the actual on-site experience at that joint is. hard to get in, mediocre facilities, hard to get out. but at least it’s expensive.

  2. I had a great experience the time I went. Of course I was 22 and starting my first stint as a gainfully employed adult the next day. I did so with a wicked hangover.

    I got caught up in the moment - big, still new, stadium, Monday Night Football against the Cowboys, and the home team started off strong and won.

  3. terry hall, gone to the real ghost town
