Friday, December 23, 2022

Gheorghemas Interlude

 I am embarrassed to say I did not know this song existed:


  1. i can't believe this doesn't have a 'shirtless kurtis blow' tag

  2. Wow.
    To the last post —I’d say Rob and Val are definitely Xmas winners, too! I drove to Dulles Wednesday to pick up our son and remembered how much I despise I-95. OMDL
    We drove west all the way to 17 to avoid it on the return south to Tidewater. Good grief! I don’t know how y’all live up there! But kid is back from across the pond for two+ weeks. Yay! Merry, Merry y’all. Stay warm and safe —it’s getting cold out.

  3. Keeping with today's theme, Defector Media has an oral history of the making of "Christmas in Hollis" that's bangin'. It's a subscription site, so if anyone is interested, shoot me your email address and I'll copy and paste and send back. I'm at

  4. did yoga with my kid and one of her college professors via zoom earlier. my dog, who's freaking out because of the wind, joined us. and when i say 'joined us', i mean laid atop one or the other of us for comfort while we tried to get our yog on.

  5. when does the airing of the grievances commence?

  6. my son is home from college and watching the festivus episode in the basement with his buddy gary. nice to have the old gang back around.

    "doing yoga with a dog, a college professor, and my daughter." got to be a euphemism for something perverse.

  7. happy bomb cyclone to all who celebrate
