Saturday, December 03, 2022

Dos a Cero



  1. The title may be the score of hangovers vs. Whit and myself. Ugh.

  2. Buffs going Prime Time.

    Gonna be some fun times for Rob’s kidlet

  3. coach prime slumming at colorado in preparation for taking the usmnt job after berhalter goes to real madrid after winning the world cup

    hoo boy

  4. what a disaster. amateur marking on two of the goals-- how do you jog behind a cutter into the box and watch him score? how do you leave a guy that open at the far post? boo.

  5. same problem on all three. dest didn't recognize the danger on the second, either.

  6. i think the issue was that dave didn't believe hard enough

  7. my wife and i are watching the weird al biopic. we have a difference of opinion.

  8. I just watched the Louis Armstrong doc on apple. Pretty good.

    Watched footy match on big screen at Grandin Theatre in my little 'hood. Pretty cool, marking issues notwithstanding.

  9. Yesterday was bananas. I took zdaughter to her second basketball event (I can't really call it a game) of the season, where she went 1-1 from the floor with an assist and two steals (despite the fact that the coach of the other team kept yelling "Stealing isn't allowed!") in a 12-4 victory (that's 8 baskets in 30 minutes). Then I flew us home, picked up zson and dropped him off at fencing, and tried to get a haircut but the barber shop was packed, and I tried to buy an Xmas (zXmas?) gift for zwoman but found nothing locally so I went home and worked for an hour. Then I picked up zson, brought him home, went back to the barbershop and it was almost empty so I got a haircut, then I got sandwiches at the deli and went home. I oversaw the eating of said sandwiches, worked for another hour and nine minutes or so, then took zson to his private fencing lesson. Then I brought him home and went to Route 10, the local shitshow of strip malls, to pick up an Xbox (they only come with one controller, wtf?!) at Best Buy and then I went to Dick's and bought a basketball hoop for zdaughter. No one was on the floor to help me make the sale, and the guy at the door said to just go to the register and tell them what I want. The guy at the register was recovering from a car accident or a fist fight with two black eyes and a swollen lip, and he wasn't excited to help me but eventually I showed him the hoop on my phone and told him he had them in stock, there is a stack of 10 of them on the floor and if someone worked the floor they would tell him that. So I bought it and had to schedule the delivery with Harvey in the golf section, except he wasn't there and it took four people to figure out how to print the delivery receipt. I told them to print to PDF and email it to me but they didn't understand that. Then I flew home, hid the Xbox in my closet (next to some of your mothers), did a Peloton, showered, and picked up zmother to go to dinner for her birthday. At dinner I listened to her complain about everything in her life for about 2 hours. I took her home, then went home and took zwoman's dog out. zson then asked me if I got him an Xbox and when I asked why he said that he wants a hedgehog instead. I responded forcefully that he already has a dog, which is the apex pet for a suburban kid on 0.19 acres, and he doesn't take care of it (exactly as I predicted and why I lobbied against getting the stupid thing) so there is no reason to believe he would care for a hedgehog, a spine-covered animal that lives in a tank which must periodically be cleaned of the creature's pee and poop, an activity for which I have absolutely zero desire to be responsible. zson replied that he doesn't enjoy the dog as much as he thought he would and I didn't tell him that I feel the same way about parenthood but it took great restraint. Then I yelled at everyone to take showers and I went to bed shortly thereafter.

  10. that right there is a strong contender for "Comment of the Year"

  11. does z realize he has access to a platform that would allow him to ‘post’ things so people can ‘count’ them?

  12. I openly laughed at the parenthood comment.

    I needed a laugh because my kids team had a game this afternoon with a chance to advance to the finals of their tournament against the 12th ranked team in the state. They dominated possession in the first half but came out down 2-1. Us coaches were feeling pretty good. And then the floodgates opened. Total domination. Breakaway after breakaway. My kid (keeper) was under attack. We lost 7-2. She left some plays on the field but I’m not sure I could’ve done a whole lot better. She was predictably devastated. Tough way to end our fall season.

    At least we’re now in Tampa with another family to hang out, fish and then go see Bucs-Saints tomorrow night.

  13. my wife is watching the coach prime presser at colorado. she's ready to run through a wall. it's her first exposure to the prime charisma.

  14. The team that smashed us lost in the finals 2-1 to a team we tied yesterday. I hate soccer.
