Thursday, November 17, 2022

The LHC is a Piker

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory hides its true nature in plain site. Housed in a Frank Gehry-designed fever dream of a building in Cambridge, MA, CSAIL aims for "[a] world where computing empowers people and enhances all human experiences."

It so happens that I've spent time at CSAIL. I was there in 2015 to discuss the possibility of using massive amounts of data to predict patterns in public health outcomes (ironic, that). I met with some absurdly smart folks and left energized and a bit overwhelmed.

I didn't realize at the time I was staring into the maw of the end of the human race, that all that lofty vision was a Trojan Horse seeking nothing more than the removal of people and human from that stated computer-based empowerment. Inside the airy, rounded concrete interior I saw the detritus of collegiate life - concert fliers, requests for rides, roommate adverts. I didn't see the trees for the forest.

I was, as the saying goes, blind. But now I see.

Just yesterday, a team of elite mathematicians and scientists led by CSAIL researcher Ramin Hasani and Postdoctoral Associate Mathias Lechner published a paper entitled "Closed-form continuous-time neural networks" in Cleverly innocuous, that. We get a little closer to their true intent in the hed that CSAIL itself tagged a release about the study: "Solving brain dynamics gives rise to flexible machine learning models"

Look. I'm not a scientist. The last time I was in a lab was freshman year of college when Dave and I got called a "pair of idiots" by a brother in the fraternity we were pledging. (In fairness, he was not wrong.) My academic bona fides here are questionable at best.

But when I read a study that claims to have advanced computers' ability to process complex neural functions by an order of 220x that existing standard, one thing comes to mind. Skynet, motherfuckers. Sky. Fucking. Net. 

You think I'm being paranoid? Here's how Wikipedia describes Skynet: artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general superintelligence system. And look at who's paying close enough attention to the research to have been cited in CSAIL's release. None other than Dr. Sildomar Monteiro, AI & Machine Learning Group Lead at Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company, said this "Recent neural network architectures, such as neural ODEs and liquid neural networks, have hidden layers composed of specific dynamical systems representing infinite latent states instead of explicit stacks of layers."

Yeah, you read right. 

Hasani goes further in discussing the potential implications of his team's research, saying “When we have a closed-form description of neurons and synapses’ communication, we can build computational models of brains with billions of cells, a capability that is not possible today due to the high computational complexity of neuroscience models. The closed-form equation could facilitate such grand-level simulations and therefore opens new avenues of research for us to understand intelligence.”

"Computational models of brains with billions of cells." If that doesn't send a shiver down your spine, you might already be a cyborg.


  1. look at you, all complacent in your little worlds. it's coming. don't say i didn't warn you.

  2. and by 'it', i mean the 69ish inches of snow forecast for buffalo this weekend. holy shit.

  3. Nice little weekend ahead of me. Tonight I’ll be seeing Carbon Leaf at a small local venue. Tomorrow we head to Columbia to see my girls. Saturday I’ll be watching a throttling of the Cocks by Tennessee with… Greg!

  4. I used to spend my Saturday nights wishing someone would throttle the cock.

    This whole liquid computer brain is a bad idea.

  5. How long do you think it will take mega-computer intelligence to determine that humans are ignorant parasites that befoul the environment and can barely get out of their own way? As Michael Corleone said, "It's not personal; it's business." Been nice knowing you all.

  6. just booked flights to scotland in march to do stupid shit with grown men who desperately wish to reclaim their youth. much excite.

  7. Part Terminator, part Thanos. As Dirty Harry would say, “Swell.”

  8. This post: Yikes!

    World Cup: I’ve just watched a story on the CBS morning show and heard an interview on NPR yesterday on the situation in Qatar with human rights abuses Re: building stadiums and generally in the country, etc. So, here’s my question — why didn’t the players/nations respond when FIFA announced Qatar as the host nation and say No? No, we’re not going there, not playing there? Am I being naive or dumb here? If they really care about this (which they seem to be saying now), why didn’t they say that? If no players would go there, wouldn’t FIFA have been forced to change locations? Looks to me like it’s really about $$$ (isn’t it always?!), and at the end of the day, that matters more even than possibly thousands (!)) having died building stadiums. How horrendous is that?

    Scotland: Awesome! Y’all goin’ love it!

  9. broadly speaking, players don't have very much power in this equation, and they don't have any organization of their own. individual players have raised concerns, but without any convening power their leverage is limited. add to that the idea that playing in a world cup for their country is what many have dreamed of since they were tykes.

    if you really wanted to get your blood up, watch the four-part documentary 'fifa uncovered' on netflix. it lays bare the corruption that got us world cups in russia and qatar.

  10. USA v Portugal on now The Rugby Network (free). Winner take all for last spot in '23 RWC in France. Two Old Glory lads in the backrow. Now ya know. Pretty evenly matched should be a crackah. Annnnnd Portugal just scored a try FFS

  11. Alcohol banned around World Cup stadiums.

    Things you won’t hear about the rugby World Cup anytime soon.
