Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Zen and the Art of Skipping Stones

Kurt Steiner is the Roger Federer of skipping stones, an elegant, thoughtful artist. Russ Byars is the Rafael Nadal of the discipline, a physical force who blends technical mastery with brute strength. And this Outside Magazine article by Sean Williams about their pursuit of quirky perfection is one of the best things I've read recently. 

To hear Steiner tell it, stone-skipping (which is not at all the same thing as stone-skimming, you heretics) represents “undeveloped natural purity, a refuge against the consumerist, plutocratic, kleptocratic, fucking destroy-and-build-up-everything mentality.” He's nearly single-minded in his pursuit, telling Williams, “October through March is pretty much my psychic recovery phase. I will spend most of the next six months in super-isolation—no power, no heat, no water, no phone … getting high, maybe drunk … watching video, reading, writing, taking hikes … and crapping everyday in a bucket in the basement. All just trying to get myself centered for the next year."

Steiner holds the world record for the most stone skips with 88. (Englishman Dougie Isaacs holds the current skimming mark, the difference being that skipping focuses on the number of times the stone hits the water and skimming on distance. Isaacs' top skim spanned 399 feet - nearly a quarter of a mile.) Here's Sasquatch-quality video of Steiner's record-setter:

You might guess that a man with a nearly-singular focus on skipping stones would have taken an unconventional path through life, and Williams' story makes Steiner's eccentricities clear. But there's a purity to Steiner's intent and a clarity to his existence. I couldn't follow his footsteps, but I'm glad I know a little bit about him now. 

I'm fascinated with obsession, in particular with pursuits that offer far more psychic than financial gain. Kurt Steiner is damn near one of a kind. Hope you dig his story.


  1. Unfortunately, Russ “Rock Bottom” Byers has gone on to the great skipping pond in the sky. He is the Brian Piccolo of the
    water rebounding sports.

  2. indeed. and maybe a spoiler alert would be helpful.

  3. Well, Pic was 26 years old. Rock Bottom Byars was 54.

    While you could argue that Byars had many more years left in his career, the level of tragedy is a stretch.

    As a now-verboten comic once postulated, once you're 50, there's no candlelight vigil for you when you die. Which is sad. For me.

  4. A lot of fucking rain so far and we've got another 24-36 hours of this.

  5. Fort Myers and Sarasota are getting rocked. This is going to be catastrophic for some of these communities.

  6. 54 seems to be stone skipping prime. Max set the world record at 50.

  7. jim cantore is standing in the eye wall of the storm wearing a batting helmet and rain gear. seems a bit performative.

  8. Cantore showed up at my local bar a few years back the night before expected landfall and told all of us locals we were fucked. We were not fucked. Lost power for a few days. He’s the weather channel mascot now.

  9. toad the wet sprocket is (are?) playing my local joint tomorrow night. my wife is a big fan. should be a fun stroll down memory lane.

  10. They played Epcot food and wine one year when my wife and I attended. They played the hits and then some. Twas fun. The first couple of sets.

  11. coolio’s entered gangsta’s paradise. r.i.p.

  12. Am I sitting on my couch watching The Godfather while this hurricane swirls around me. Yes, I am.

  13. I’d like to think that Coolio and Rock Bottom are skipping stones together.

  14. Speaking of Steiners- Rick Steiner (Big Poppa Pump) has a kid who is a big time basketball recruit. Shooting Guard. Committed to Wake.

  15. I'm way behind on my GTB content. Just watched the shoelace video. Will get to ZShazams and rock skipping this weekend.

  16. toad show was fun last night. house packed full of middle-aged folks, band was tight - played a great cover of 'peace, love, and understanding' and a stripped down version of crowded house's 'better be home soon' as well as all their hits. good times.

  17. the key to skipping stones: a limp wrist.

  18. Rob and I just polished off some fish bites and some crawdads at Tortuga’s. Life is bliss.

  19. one of you fuckers post something

  20. I think Aaron Rodgers misses Davante Adams.

  21. i guess being outscored 216-67 in five consecutive losses and conclusively demonstrating that you coach the worst power five conference team in america isn't a recipe for job security for the head man and defensive coordinator.

  22. most excellent weekend spent with whit, his ladyfriend, and team eckert in norfolk and nags head. there was silliness.

  23. I’m enjoying Rob’s dark descent into Colorado Football.
