Sunday, September 11, 2022

Camilla Loves Chachi

 I wish I could find out who did this so we could credit them but it was sent to me without attribution.  All I know is that someone brought Teej’s joke to life and it is glorious. 


  1. got you guys riled up!

    jags v wft. wagers?

  2. My wager is that both fan bases should find new teams to support.

    I realize the NFL is extremely problematic but I’m really enjoying my couch, red zone and fantasy football this afternoon.

    Love you, Danno!

  3. went to hulu a while ago, no redzone and it's a problem. stickin with the jags, they look halfway competent.

  4. I wish TR was still here to comment on Geno Smith.

  5. ok, some fun short attention span videos. i feel like a teen on tiktok.

  6. and the giants are undefeated! first time in a while that could be said

  7. Pour some out for the great Ramsey Lewis. I wish I'd known of him when he played in Roanoke in 2008.

  8. My kid is home sick today. I feel bad for her because she's sick. I might feel worse for the amount of work she has to do between homework and all the class work to make up.

  9. my daughter's been under the weather for a week or so. tested negative for covid a couple of times. i asked her yesterday if she'd been to the student health center, to which she responded, "no, man. i'm rawdogging this illness." so she hasn't lost her weird sense of humor.

  10. The health center would only tell her it was mono or VD anyway so best to avoid.

  11. legend. not necessarily in a good way.

  12. depending on who you talk to, boehly is offering innovative new ideas or beclowning himself. time, as often, will tell.

  13. I often beclown myself in innovative ways.
