Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Assholes Gonna Asshole

I think I'm a far better man than I once was. I'm less prone to angry outbursts. I'm far more attuned to my privilege and so many others' lack thereof. I'm (a bit) less selfish. 

But I've got work to do.

I confess that I'm not above hate-rooting. The edge might've come off some of the garden-variety stuff, like the Yankees and Auburn and Manchester United. Still hate 'em, just don't get as easily exercised as I once did. But newly inflamed passion still has a way of getting into the quick of my emotional fingernails (what?), even when I really don't care all that much about the broader context.

To wit, I will root fervently against the Cleveland Browns* for as long as Deshaun Watson is on their roster. That has less to do with Watson himself (though, fuck that guy) and far more with the vocal minority (we must hope) of Browns fans who are willing to overlook the very credible allegations against the quarterback. 

Gleefully so, in the case of these fucking assholes:

We're tribal. We have a basic human need to belong. That makes us do incredibly stupid shit on occasion in the name of the group. I have personal regrets about some of that shit, as do most of us, I suspect. But when we fail the simplest test of decency, well, then we should be scorned, mocked, and cast out from the regard of polite society.

* With yet one more acknowledgement that I wish Johnny G were still alive so we could pillory him for the fuckery of his team's ownership (for signing Watson for a stupid amount of money when they were bidding against themselves) and fellow fans. His defense of the Brownies in this case would be half-hearted, like their effort in the fourth quarter against the Jets last Sunday.


  1. The name Dirt on the guy in the photo's shirsey is perfect.

    I don't really have a rooting interest in the NFL, but I'll definitely root against these assholes.

  2. tish james trying to drop the civil hammer on the trump criminal enterprise. godspeed, madam.

  3. Tish’s suit is not going anywhere.

  4. you're fun at parties, marls

  5. Tim, why do you think the lawsuit goes nowhere? Legal reasons (proof and such)? Gut tell you that he sidesteps? Over-reach by an AG with political ambitions?

  6. It’s a political stunt. Did the Trump organization play fast and loose with the numbers to portray them in the best light to each audience. That said, if it is a crime to try to look less profitable to the tax authorities and more profitable to lenders, most businesses would be guilty. Trump is a bag of shit, but this case is a dog. No way she takes this to trial.

  7. “no possessory interest”, marls! so there. oh, wait. that’s an entirely different case. it’s so hard to keep them all straight.

  8. To add to Marls' comment, not only is it a dog but in my humble opinion, moves like do more good for Trump than harm in the end. It helps him justify (and arguably legitimately in this case) his "witch hunt" theme for the Trumpers, angering and emboldening even more.

  9. both z and i have touted sudan archives over these airwaves. her full new record just dropped and it's fucking amazing. get thee to a stream.

    and for the g:tb crowd not on various w&m text threads, how 'bout a shoutout for whit, today's birthday boy.

  10. Happy Birthday, Whit!

    And I know streaming is how most do it, but get thee to a record store sounds better to me.

  11. Speaking of Trump, and rob, and me, rob's back-channel requests for more zjurisprudence are falling in deaf (really, overworked) ears. However, I started reading the 11th Circuit opinion overruling Judge Cannon's fakakta decision preventing the FBI from reviewing the classified documents seized from Mar-a-Lago and considered writing something up. They cited Cobbledick v. US for god's sake! Predictably, Kimberly Wehle wrote something better than I ever would, so just read that.

  12. Predictably, also, I screwed up the link.

  13. based on her c.v., would seem that professor wehle is no liberal. strong to quite strong rebuke of tfg and his lawyers.

  14. Speaking of NBA vs. NFL punishment disparities, Ime Udoka had a consensual (albeit potentially inappropriate) relationship with someone and is facing a season-long suspension. Deshaun Watson did what he did and got suspended for 11/16ths of a season. That's 68.75% (I'm not rounding in this context).

  15. Enjoy the remainder of your birthday Whit dog.
