Sunday, August 07, 2022

OBFT: The New Style

Those of you that didn't make this year's Outer Banks Fishing Trip (the 29th of such experiments designed to test the limits of the human liver) missed two new additions to the usual agenda. 

The first of these was somber and emotional, as the assembled community of dipshits commended some of the ashes of our beloved friend John Grant to the sea in a place we spent so much time with him. In typical fashion, it turns out we probably broke the law in so doing without permission.

The second event was a bit anticlimactic for most of us. We arrived at the venerable Martha Wood cottage to see a protected area just south of the dune that protects her. Turns out the conservation community in the area located a sea turtle nest in that spot, and for several evenings, an earnest group stood watch around the nest in expectation that the little tortugas would make the playa run in fewer than 12 parsecs. (My guess is that it's nest 23 on this list.) Never happened while we were there, so we're hoping at least Whit gets to see this:

The 30th anniversary next year's gonna be a doozy. Clear your calendars now.



    a few things i remembered-- remind me of anything i forgot . . . that's fit to print

  2. The turtle run would have been cool thing to witness, but have you seen Dave play cornhole?

    I think the volunteers were pretty wary when they saw our group, and may have been surprised to get such intelligent questions.

  3. i am a wonder of nature.

    we may have inadvertently stepped on a few baby turtles. or over-served them on their way to the ocean . . .

  4. I think the thing that makes Dave such a titan of leisure sports is the unfailing humility with which he plies his trade. To be that great and remain grounded has to be difficult.

  5. Not sure how many of you are on Twitter, but tonight is TJ’s masterpiece. Jordan in the Garden in 86. Kobe’s 82. True brilliance.

  6. smu being the first school to find a way to full-on pay everybody is too perfect.

  7. I sought out the Teej's commentary this morning. It's like he's been training his whole life for that moment. Well done, sir.

    I'm hoping Whitney will give us a turtle update when one becomes available.

  8. it's why you've gotta have those photos saved - you never know when a former president will have his residence visited by the FBI 'cause said former president just loves doin crimes

  9. Rob- SMU is also paying basketball players but Texas Tech announces a yearly salary of $25k for all scholarship football players a few weeks back. Red Raider out front shoulda told ya.

  10. Still no turtles. I’m not sure I’ll get to see them. Anticlimactic is right.

  11. how do i find tj's brilliance? i never go on twitter . . .

  12. There is no brilliance, only Zuul

  13. And it’s definitely not on the work handle, Professor Truck. Though I will follow back

  14. ok! i will check it out . . . if i can figure it out

  15. those are really funny! those are memes with captions, right?

  16. Cremated human remains should not be disposed of less than three nautical miles from land, no matter the water depth?

    yikes, we missed that one . . .

  17. just picked up a few groceries for lunches at the king soopers in south boulder where 10 people were shot to death last march. two young-20s white dudes walked in looking for all the world like the columbine shooters - full-length dusters and all - on a 90 degree day. that was disconcerting, to put it mildly. read the room, fuckfaces.

  18. The turtle sinkhole has formed

  19. That's awesome, Whit. Sea Turtles are very much a thing on the beaches around here. It's quite a sight to see.

    In other news, it's one of my favorite days of the year. The first day of school. Time to get these kids out of my house and pool and back to work.
