Sunday, June 19, 2022

What Never Was

There are a bunch of sports-related things I vividly remember from my youth. Yaz popping up to Graig Nettles to end the 1978 AL East playoff. Cried at that one. The Miracle on Ice. Ran around the living room with my Dad then. Game 6 of the 1986 World Series. Got drunk in a hotel room on a high school field trip shortly thereafter. Bird versus Magic, so many times - joy and pain in mostly equal measure. 

But none of those events hit me viscerally in the same way that something that happened 36 years ago today did.

I was a Boston Celtics fan at the time. Red Auerbach had pulled off another draft miracle, nabbing Maryland's Len Bias with the second pick, a selection the defending champions had because of a trade two years earlier. The 1985-86 C's were loaded, and the prospect of adding the hyper-athletic and ultra-competitive Bias to a frontcourt with Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish, and Bill Walton was the stuff of giddy-making anticipation.

And then he died, just two days later.

I was watching the local news when the story came over the air. It was the most shocking thing I'd experienced in my young life, and it left an indelible mark. To this day, I've never had any interest in going near cocaine - if it could kill a man of Bias' size and fitness, well that scared (and still does) the everlovin' hell out of me.

"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"

The game is one thing. Sadder more is what was lost to Len Bias the person and his family. Still guts me to think about.


  1. I was a stunned 11 year old ACC hoops fan when this happened. Hadn't considered the impact of Bias dying on cocaine use, but I'd bet it was significant.

  2. i’ve been placing small wagers on matt fitzpatrick to win tournaments for some time now. he finally came through for me. 78 smackers for this guy.

  3. Bias is one of the intriguing "what ifs" in sports history. Was indeed seismic when he died. Effectively ended Lefty's tenure at Maryland. He resigned in fall of '86 and rattled around campus for a year or two as an assistant AD before JMU threw him a lifeline.

    Elsewhere, I'm not a hockey guy, but I enjoy watching playoff hockey because of the stakes and speed. Recommend that you catch some of the Stanley Cup Finals and Colorado. Tampa Bay might rebound, but the Avs are terrifying when they're rolling. Fast and deep and big and perpetually dangerous on offense, and give away almost nothing on defense. Their 7-0 win the other night was as thorough a beatdown of a really good team on a big stage as I recall. Could have easily been 10-0.

  4. saw a heath shuler redskins jersey in the wild today. ain’t that something?

  5. Was Heath Shuler wearing it?
