Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Tributes Are Pretty Great

A wild and crazy friend of mine who resides in the OBX is getting married again, against the advice of some of his pals. I'm not one of the cautionary cohorts, though, as (a) who the hell am I to coach another's marital pathway through life, and (b) he's not going to listen, so why create an unfillable chasm over which you'll later need to build a bridge? [Hmmm... I seem to be randomly drawing from some Sting lyrics there. Not sure what's going on.]

Anywho, our buddy the maniac (whom some of you OBFTers have met) has insisted that he'd like his bachelor party to take place in Colombia. When he tells people, they usually ask whether he means South Carolina or the Maryland town where Merriweather Post is. Nope, he means Pablo's Place. You know, Coloooooombia. Alrighty then.

Well, I'm sure I'm bowing out of any such trip there. While people say it's far more visitor-friendly than the images on the telly and the reputation it carved out for itself over a couple of decades, the country can be scary and dangerous. Just ask Taylor Hawkins, who died in Bogotá, Colombia in March.

Plus, if anything happened to me there, I doubt you guys would muster up 1,000 people to play a Les Coole or Random Idiots track like this for me!

But it'd be cool if you could get like 10 people to do it.

Not that I'm going.

Carry on.


  1. my wife texted me to say that her school is on lockdown. turns out there was a bomb threat called into the neighboring high school and that it doesn't seem to be dangerous. but, fuck, man.

  2. Fuck. Summer can't get here soon enough.

  3. Dave would go to Colombia for the hippos.

  4. Halfway through We Own This City. If you miss The Wire, get on this. It’s good.

    But funny to see the erstwhile Marlo Stanfield in this role.

  5. my 20 year-old texted me today to say, "omg. when you used to say 'it's puddin' time, children' to us, you were quoting primus! i love that." to which i said, "indeed". solid dadding, once again.

  6. did not see drew timme coming back to gonzaga. that's a good squadron. again.

  7. GTB fam - vote for Cheddar.
    He needs to restock on some of TR's vino.

  8. killer pieces by both wright thompson (ukraine/scotland soccer) and tim kurkjian (his brother's als diagnosis) on today.

  9. Began the annual summer family vacation today. Currently sitting poolside in Cinnamon Beach, FL. 11 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, 1 sick media/movie room. 1.5 kitchens. Won’t be a bad place to stay for the next 5 days.

  10. man, i want to see those drug hippos.

  11. Damn, Mark. Not bad at all.

  12. The Al Horford game. I fucking love that guy.

  13. last day of school for my last high school senior. there are some feels involved.

  14. It's graduation day for my senior today. A whole mess of mixed emotions over here.

  15. Congrats to your seniors! Happened to get to watch Live semifinal of Rafa and Zverev —OMDL! Three hours in and still hadn’t finished second set.

  16. head football coach at my kid's school has always skeeved her out. a little too familiar with female students. got escorted out of his classroom by cops this afternoon. my county's about to get some more excellent press.
