Thursday, June 30, 2022

Smile for the Day

So the local paper had this in it today, the most prominently placed among the group of obits:

I couldn't help thinking what a cool name that is, and that I hope she was a super lady with the kind of pleasing persona to match it. Her limited obituary makes you think maybe she was. I'll choose to believe that yes indeedy, she sure was.

This may well turn out to be inspiration for a Les Coole composition.

And when I get to heaven / and see what all I see
Shirley B. Allgood / be all right with me

Fulness of joy, my friends. Pleasures for evermore.


  1. Shirley was a hip, hip lady man. Every night when Roland got home, she'd have a big fat bowl waiting for him.

  2. she taught four year-olds for 20 years. she was a damn saint.

  3. the good news: my company just implemented a sabbatical policy, and i can take up to six months

    the bad news: it's unpaid

    the best news: one of you could pay me to hang out with you for six months - all inquiries welcome

  4. Rob - I just took back possession of our "GiftHouse", after our tenants moved to Michigan. I'm willing to pay bottom dollar for some housework. Inquire below.

  5. Go go, Go Shirley Go, Go Go, Go Shirley Go...Go Go, Shirley Be All Good

    Second bloke this week that has mentioned company sabbatical policy. Not sure if paid or unpaid, didn't ask, but this particular individual taking his family to thailand, singapore and vietnam for 5 weeks starting next week.

    Could you swing a 6-8 week'r Rob? Set up a GoFundMe - I'm guessing you'd get a few bucks. Hell, I'd fund a few days', or maybe a meal or two.

  6. tiny, go home and get your fuckin' shine box...

  7. any reason you couldn't get another job for your sabbatical - waiting tables, bartending, caddie!, starbucks? work part-time (or full) at a job w/hours you set, fairly mindless and stress-free?

  8. If all goes well, I’m gonna need a pool boy

  9. My tenants moved out today. I need a carpenter, painter and gardener.

  10. Rob, you could take a month to get G:The Podcast up and running.

  11. USC & UCLA are going to the Big 10. It’s all happening. 2 or 3 mega conferences here we come. The NCAA is terminal.

  12. USC and UCLA to the Big Ten? And KD wants out of Brooklyn? Quite the eventful afternoon.

  13. lmao KD wants out of Brooklyn

  14. Miles Bridges is pretty happy about this KD news.

  15. the ncaa is toast, as it relates to football and hoops. it'll be a nice little association for non-revenue sports. which is okay, i think.

    we foretold such a future in this here blog, dontcha know:

  16. We’ll eventually have the CFB equivalent of the AFC-NFC. And a large playoff. Tough to blame the powers of CFB. The NFL prints money.
