Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Saving Democracy, One Flip at a Time

This progression may represent why Twitter is worth saving. 

The order here is what's on this particular Twitter feed today, and the order in which I read them.

And then it picks up right where it left off.  Awesome.


  1. Not worth digging too deep, but from Jeff Fisher RE: Jack Del Rio:

    “ I was teammates with Ron, and for him to come out, it was like some speech writer wrote his statement. And it's not true. There were not deaths, like he mentioned...there weren't deaths, and he put that in his statement...just tell the truth and if you don't know it then keep your mouth shut."

    I mean, there were unquestionably deaths, right? Is it disputed???

  2. I thought it was accepted to be factual, but that may be offensive to some. I hope it gets harder for people to credibly deny what the intent of those leading the 'dustup' was.
