Sunday, June 26, 2022

Fuck You

As I read and hear more about the Supreme Court's assault on women's reproductive rights, sensible gun laws, and any number of other things, I really still haven't moved past the rage stage of acceptance. I know there are sane, serious people organizing and planning ways to respond (though since many of them are Democrats, I'm not terribly confident in their success), and I expect I'll get there at some point.

But that point ain't today.

So I genuinely enjoyed this bit of musical protest from Glastonbury yesterday. I don't know Olivia Rodrigo's work, but I know now that I admire her. Guessing there aren't a ton of pop stars who could rattle off the names of Supreme Court justices from memory. And there's some bonus Lily Allen involved.



  1. I guess no one likes Lily Allen.

  2. My youngest son can't stand Olivia Rodrigo. We just dropped him on the campus of American University yesterday to spend five weeks at a summer ballet intensive, so perhaps some of his new friends will change his mind.

    He told us he'd made more friends in the time it took us to drive home than he did over four weeks in Charlotte last summer, where he was sequestered with young male dancers who didn't really want to be there.

  3. I like Lily Allen. And this sentiment.

  4. It's really popping off around here. I guess everyone is attending prayer vigils for rudy g as he tries to recover from that brutal supermarket attack.

  5. I currently stuck on an elevator on the campus of ODU. It’s been 25 mins. 8 people on this thing. Getting hot. Anxiety growing.

  6. Still stuck. Been an hour. Not feeling hopeful we’ll be out any time soon.

  7. That’s a nightmare. I avoid elevators whenever it’s reasonable to avoid this very scenario. Keep us posted and good luck!

  8. damn dog. i do hope for your safety as well as proper hygiene practices among your shaft mates

  9. We got rescued! Like we had to be pulled up half a floor. I was the last one off, since, you know, hero. Hallelujah.

  10. Damn. Good luck! The whole scenario sounds awful.

  11. Ok! Good news! I think you've earned the rest of the afternoon off.

  12. Mark, you are correct, and that is what’s happening. I was coordinating a tour of some K12 educators through some local higher ed. I asked who wanted to call it after the delayed lunch we just wolfed down, and it was unanimous.

  13. sounds like beer thirty to me

  14. I'm glad you made it out intact, Whit. I just had an armload of print stuff to deliver to a local theatre office on the second floor, after leg day. I marched that shit up the steps with my weary legs. Not risking it.

  15. elevators malfunctioning, presidents assaulting secret service agents and suborning insurrection. we live in a goddamn banana republic.

  16. the more you follow politics, the less happy you are. I'm glad I have no idea what you're talking about.

  17. Were talking about malfunctioning elevators, Dave!!! Take the stairs!!

  18. Dave's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.

  19. danimal said “shaft mates”!

  20. Talkin bout shaft! Damn right.

  21. I admire Olivia Rodrigo too, great woman.

    Toto Hongkong
