Saturday, May 07, 2022

Happy Stupid Saturday

Life at the Cracker Factory has been downright draining over the past several weeks. I'm on the horns of a personnel dilemma that feels a lot like a no-win situation. I'm hoping to drink a lot this weekend and by doing so experience so sort of epiphany.

I did get a bit of a stress release from watching something so profoundly stupid and silly that it made my sides hurt from laughter. So I thought it would share it to lower the level of discourse here. [Not entirely sure that's possible.] It's a TikTok thing called the Ceiling Fan Water Bottle Challenge. Even the name is stupid.

Returning soon with an actual thoughtful post that's been a long time coming. But for now, dipshittery!


  1. If there were ceiling fans in Unit M we would’ve done this 40 years ago, probably with empty Natty Lite bottles.

  2. Or 30 years ago. I’m bad at typing on my phone. Maybe we should’ve had a ceiling fan in the room behind the laundry roommate …

  3. boehly getting copious amounts of screen time in the chelsea/wolves match this morning

  4. I'm prescient.

  5. The kid finished her spring comp soccer season 8-1. Didn’t see that coming after a .500 fall season. Also didn’t see my kid turning into a keeper who fucking loves being a keeper. Probably not as shocking as todays result for Man U. Hate to see it.

  6. That dad seems to be taking the challenge so earnestly.

  7. Who was the guy who drove one of these at W&M?

  8. I grew up in a house that bet on the Derby. So I make my family bet on the Derby.

  9. Someone just made a bunch of money on that horse. Twasn’t me. Hope it was you guys.

  10. Good fun there. Major payouts indeed. And these guys acquired this horse in a $30,000 claim race 2 years ago.

  11. Z- I can’t be sure, but that car summoned the image of Jason Plummer to me. He was a Sig who played D-line for the tribe, so it seems a bit incongruous.

  12. Mark - with you. We do it every derby. This year ran a 3 round snake draft for KQ and the girls and bankrolled any winners. So much fun to see the girls get hyped for their horses.

  13. Happy Mother’s Day to the gheorghie moms!

    We woke up to a scene where everyone in my gf’s neighborhood had their cars broken into last night. And they left some people’s windows open. Not sure how. Including mine. And it rained all night. I’m pretty agitated right now.

  14. Happy freaking Mother’s Day. That sucks.

  15. Happy Mother’s Day Gheorghies!

  16. my nephew is getting married in new smyrna beach, fl in february. my wife and i just found an airbnb that's the upstairs apartment over a wine bar that's close to the venue. pretty, pretty convenient.

  17. I’ll never not laugh when sports broadcast flood us with South Beach shots when the actual sporting event is taking place 45 minutes north.

  18. Mark, so right, but that’s been true through the ages, especially when the stadia were deep into the suburbs. All the Washington Monument and Capitol shots when the games were at the Cap Centre or FedEx Field. Silly.
