Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Just a Thought That Christmas Is Coming...

 ...or my birthday, or some other reason to do some shopping.

Well, we missed an opportunity. Months ago, the Gheorghe roster agreed that we would try to have a summit at the Washington Wizards game on March 27. While a Sunday night seems strange for a get-together with out-of-town friends, there was a singular occasion for which we would congregate. 

March 27 was Gheorghe Mureșan Bobblehead Night.

As part of the year's promotions, the team produced bobbleheads for what they were calling The Big Three: Wes Unseld, Manute Bol, and our buddy Ghiță.

Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Life and other crap gets in the way.

Fear not, collectors of things silly and sentimental!  The market for these products is wide open, and here's one avenue through which you can make the Big G bobblehead yours!

Or mine!

Just a thought... and here's a link.


  1. Does the Ghita bobblehead hammer for $77? Or perhaps $8 less?

  2. If Whit was more shameless he would have included a link.

    I'm afraid of what Big Ghita would start putting in my targeted ads if I go looking for that thing.

  3. Looks more like the kid from A Bronx Tale than Gheorghe.

  4. Who’s everybody got in the USFL?

  5. the usfl? really? we have to watch more pro football? i thought people were concerned about their brains and such?

  6. I believe the current world consensus has been relegated to “why would I want to remain coherent for this shit?”
