Thursday, March 03, 2022

Remedial Listening & a Lenten Commitment

Well, we missed Dave's birthday last year . . .but we missed Mardi Gras this year! Poo-yee-yi!

How many of you gheorghies have been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans? I myself hit "Carnival" twice, both in the mid-90's when I wore a much younger man's beads. The Quarter is everything it's hyped to be on such occasions, but Uptown is splendid. Lovely parties and parades. Someday I shall return.

You know who didn't miss the Gras this year? Shorty. New tune out for Fat Tuesday.

I hope Ash Wednesday treated you all well, and that those of you Catholics, Episcopalians, and other faiths that observe Lent are now adhering your commitments to give something up for 40 days and nights.

As for me? Well, I've been kind of lazy about it for a long time, but my folks and my daughters give something up for Lent every year. Some time ago, someone told me that there's as much value in adding something good to your daily repertoire as there is in eliminating something not so good. So... for Lent, I dedicate myself to calling a friend I haven't talked to in a while once a day until Easter.

We'll see if I can remember this. Maybe don't sit by your phones waiting.


  1. I got a message from an old buddy who was down for Mardi Gras this year. I'd told him to check out Igor's next time he was in town. He tried the other day, but didn't have a mask so they denied him entry.

    That led me to two separate questions.
    1)After two years, how the hell did he not have a mask stowed away in a pocket?
    2)How effective is a mask mandate in a bar?

  2. New Orleans is really strict with their mask and vaccination mandates. Until, it is you're eating and drinking. So, I'd say not that effective.

    Have never been to Mardi Gras but have done JazzFest and there's a chance it may happen again this year. Either way, I'll be in New Orleans in two weeks as we're making up from the post Xmas trip that was cancelled. We're traveling with our youngest and our friends and their kids so it won't be the typical New Orleans trip, though I suspect we'll still manage plenty of eating and drinking. Oh, and I'll be there for St. Patrick's Day!

  3. Mark, I'm super jealous. We had to pull the plug on JazzFest. Dammit.

  4. you have to wear a mask in new orleans? that's fucked up

  5. This is an amazing feat of gymnastics.

  6. tribe likely to close out the losingest season in school history tomorrow at 5 in the caa tournament play-in game against northeastern.
