Sunday, March 13, 2022

Hot Hot Heat

Hot Ones is a web series hosted by Sean Evans that's part interview show, part torture, part culinary adventure. Evans is joined each week by a guest, and both parties have a conversation while eating wings coated with progressively more fiery hot sauce.

Recently, TV chef Andrew Zimmern joined Evans for an episode that was funny, open, and celebratory. Zimmern comes off as a good dude with a serious appreciation for food. And at the 3:30 mark, he lauds the best french fries in the world, which happen to be purveyed by a colleague and friend of mine.

Dig some Hot Ones.


  1. I can’t figure out if I like Jaden Ivey as a prospect or not. He’s undoubtedly a superior athlete with good size for a lead guard but he doesn’t quite seem like a PG to me. And he’s not a great shooter yet. If he continues to develop he’s a stud. If not, he’s just an athletic somewhat undersized 2 guard. Because I’m sure you all care about my scouting thoughts.

  2. seeing mike white to georgia reports. was he in trouble in gainesville, mark?

  3. Yes he was. The entire fan base was out on him. Myself included. He was fine. The program was fine. Is it fair to hold him to the Billy Donavan standard? No. But he didn’t come close to approaching it once he had the program to himself.

    Florida regressed to an average to below average program under his leadership. Time to go.

  4. Tom Brady is back in Tampa?

  5. kirk cousins is going to make a guaranteed $70m over the next two seasons. fuck tom brady, cousins' agent is the goat.

  6. A fair statement. I do like Kirk Cousins as a person, which has very little place in our assessments of pro athletes, but I like it when good guys get rewarded.

  7. Did Whit have Dolly declining the RnR HOF nomination on his scorecard? Asking for a friend.

  8. Did not see that one coming!!

  9. first episode of game theory with bomani jones starts a little slow, but it ends hot. dig it.
