Thursday, March 24, 2022

Gheorghe: The Blog Adopts a Basketball Player

As most of you know, my friends and I spent over a decade's worth of summers scrimmaging a local High School (Melbourne High) Basketball team. I played some AAU for their Head Coach and he liked the idea of grown men (most of which played some level of College Basketball) kicking his team's ass throughout the summer. It toughened them up and, often, humbled them. For us, the chance to get in a good 2 hour run once a week against talented 17-18 year old kids was a great opportunity. The competition was good and there's nothing like pickup games with a group like this school regularly boasted to keep you in shape.

This was/is a very good program. They won more than a handful of District and Conference titles during this span, as well as 4 Final Fours in Florida's largest classification. Not surprisingly, they've sent a bunch of kids off to play in college at various levels. Even a decent number to Division 1. But most of those were places like Winthrop, Rice, etc. They also sent a ton of kids to the local Junior College- Eastern Florida State University (formerly Brevard Community College). Eastern Florida also has a great program. They're regularly ranked in the JUCO top 10 and have made a couple of JUCO Final Fours themselves. 

A few years back, Melbourne had one of their best teams in a while. Their PG was a rising senior who'd started on a Final Four team as a sophomore. They also had a big kid (also a rising senior) that was getting some looks. To be honest, I didn't see it. We'd been scrimmaging this kid for two summers and he didn't seem like anything special. That is until that last summer. I can vividly remember him catching a rebound in the air with one hand and emphatically flushing it on one of our big guys. A couple of us looked at each other like "Where the fuck did that come from?". To be clear, the kid always had ability but seemed indifferent and like one of those big guys who plays because, well, he's big. I can also remember the PG openly motherfucking him during scrimmages. As a PG who played with bigs who needed motivation from time to time, it's a great strategy. Get them pissed off at you so they'll play hard to prove a point. But I digress.

Fast forward to the season and Melbourne is kicking the shit out of everyone around here. They cruise to Conference and District titles and (in an upset) the big kid wins Area Player of the Year over his teammate. To be clear, he deserved it but it's not something that anyone saw coming even 6 months prior. Melbourne would advance to Regional Finals to take on Bartow and McDonald's All-American (and current Chicago Bull) Tony Bradley. And what do you know? Melbourne won handily and the big kid outplayed the larger, much more heralded Bradley. Melbourne would eventually lose in the State Finals.

After the season, despite his impressive senior year, no substantial scholarship offers came in so the big kid took a scholarship at Eastern Florida where he'd join his PG. The big kid had a very good freshman season and transferred to North Florida. A step up to be sure but not exactly a basketball powerhouse. Once in Jacksonville he continued his ascent through his two years with the Ospreys. And then he transferred again. To the Big East. If you had told me that he would be a Big East player when he was 17, I would've laughed you out of the gym. But now he was. And he was contributing. Averaging 21 minutes a game and 7 points and 6 boards. And usually, that's where this story would end. But, due to the pandemic all college athletes were granted an extra year of eligibility. So he came back for a 6th year. A 6th year that's undoubtedly been a magical ride. He starts now. Averaging 31 minutes, 11 points and 8 rebounds on 50 FG% and 37% 3pt FG. Oh, and his team won the Big East. And they play tomorrow night in the Sweet 16. 

That "big kid" is named Noah Horchler and he's one of the Friars most essential players. Doing a little bit of everything, leading the team in rebounds and knocking timely 3s. So, Gheorghies, root for the Friars tomorrow night and a kid (now a man) who earned every single minute of his basketball journey.


  1. whew. read this on my phone and initially thought we were adopting a player from carolina. happy to get to the end and learn otherwise. nice.

  2. Told you I had something Providence Friars related on the way, Rob. Though, to be fair, you had every right to doubt that wouldn't come through.

  3. Cool post, Mark. Extra special thanks for bumping GDMFin Myrtle Beach down, though that song is more of an earworm than it has any right to be.

  4. Nice, Mark. I always appreciate when you guys give me a rooting interest in a game I would otherwise have no opinion on.

  5. providence coach ed cooley is another good reason to root for the friars. as is the fact they're playing kansas. fuck kansas.

  6. Off the top ropes…

    Eh, probably the bottom rope

  7. Gonzaga is an unquestionably successful program but it sure does feel they get bullied in the tournament at some point most years. Not sure if it’s the program or the ray road they get in the WCC (that’s my vote). Either way, not really a surprise when it happens like it did tonight.

  8. I’m a camo fan but Dempsey’s jacket is a crime.

  9. let the record show that texas tech lost last night because the teej jinxed them by texting me and telling me that i should write a post about the no-fucks-given mentality of the red raiders, houston, and arkansas.

  10. Last night was a referendum on hustle and toughness. Houston and Arkansas were the tougher teams in their matchups by far. Arkansas got every 50/50 ball and Houston defends like hell.

    It appeared to be the same story early in the Duke game but, to their credit, the Devils got their shit together and matched Tech's intensity level. And Duke's smallest player was their most important. Roach was fucking terrific last night. I'm not a huge Banchero fan as a prospect but he was damn good last night too. Duke-Tech was as well played a college game as I've seen in a while.

  11. leesburg, virginia's own jeremy roach, you mean.

  12. i work with a guy of nigerian descent who lives in toronto and is a canadian citizen. he's got a lovely african lilt to his voice. we're both soccer fans, so we've been exchanging good-natured banter about concacaf world cup qualifying. i shot him a note earlier giving him shit for canada's loss to costa rica yesterday (which didn't help the usmnt), and he responded, "one of our players allowed his emotions to becloud him and got a red card."

    avoid beclouded emotions this weekend, my friends.

  13. good one mark. will pay special attn to the friar's this evening

  14. Boehly made the shortlist to buy Chelsea

  15. Speaking of the USMNT, my family and a bunch of friends have tickets to Sunday's game vs Panama in Orlando. Pretty, pretty, pretty excited.

  16. i should tried harder to befriend boehly when we lived together at groovy manor

  17. or maybe i was living with knapp and boehly visited a lot. it was a long time ago.
