Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Gheorghularity

You know how they say that couples that have been together for a while begin to meld into one another, finishing sentences, sharing memories, even in some cases looking more alike. That latter case, not operative here, as you'll soon see.

Here in the Gheorgheverse, some of us have been together, bloggily speaking, for more than 18 years. That's a long time in blog years. And over that time, we've learned each others' quirks, tastes, and go-to comedic rhombii fillers.

We had a glorious coming together on Twitter today that illustrated my point perfectly, and gave me and the Teej a great deal of joy.

First, @kiaspeaks kicked off a conversation:

And then I got to proposing a bit of a test of Gheorghian single-brainery:

Then, in our final act, Teej offered this:


Here it is, in all its gawdawful glory:

God bless the Teej. God bless G:TB. And God bless friendships that share a brain.



  2. Zman took mine. Juan Carlos as well.

    I saw Russell Crowe's band -- 30 Odd Foot of Grunts -- playing with Kris Kristofferson on TV the other day. Decent, nothing to text home about.

    Don't forget Dogstar! (It's a side band for one of the guys in Wyld Stallyns.

  3. Didn't Bruce Willis do some sort of harmonica frontman act? Not adding that to my search history...

  4. gam·bit
    a device, action, or opening remark, typically one entailing a degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.

  5. gam·ut
    1. the complete range or scope of something.
    "the whole gamut of human emotion"

  6. Know the difference.

    I’m speaking not to the gheorghies but instead the people who use it wrong every day with whom I interact.

  7. My aunt is a retired HS Spanish Teacher turned elementary librarian. Her principal used to confuse the word 'schlep' and 'schmuck'. eg. "I've been schmucking this sack around all day"

    My aunt has never been one to GAF about upsetting others, but she clearly relished the chance to correct the record at a staff meeting. She informed the principal that 'schmuck' meant 'prick', and she was basically using the word prick quite liberally for an elementary principal.

  8. i think y'all are missing the point of this post, which is that TEEJAY AND I SHARE A BRAIN. sheesh.

  9. you’re getting screwed on that deal

  10. Ronde Barber. Still not in the HOF. Horseshit.

  11. Also the breakaway foul in the Clemson-Duke game is a fucking crime. I’d be fine with a 10 game suspension for that. It’s literally the worst thing you can do to your opponent in basketball.

  12. Can't beleive I forgot J-Lo. Actor, singer, dancer - a real triple threat.

  13. wow. did not know that song existed.

    tom waits is a good actor and a good musician . . .

  14. Here’s what I think… musicians have an easier time becoming actors than actors becoming singers/musicians.

  15. recent case in point: alana haim

  16. selena gomez is great in "only murders in the building"

  17. David Bowie. Meat Loaf was in Fight Club.

  18. rootsy, how did we forget Jimmy Cliff? Robbie the cab driver would be disappointed.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Try again:

  21. Speaking of "Only Murders in the Building" (which I loved), Steve Martin is an actor/comedian who is also an acclaimed musician/banjoist.

  22. I was not cultured enough to know jimmy cliff did acting. Robbie would be pissed.

  23. Appears that Virginia's governor wasn't well received at W&M Charter Day ceremonies where he received honorary degree.

  24. I’m deeply offended nobody has brought up Eddie Murphy. I own “Party All the Time” on vinyl.

    Went to watch my old high school play one of our rivals (Palm Bay- home of Reggie Nelson) in the district finals tonight. Big comeback win for the Scorpions (24-2). Regional quarterfinals at home on Thursday night. Ran into my old JV coach (currently an assistant at Satellite) after the game.

  25. I think Juan Carlos did bring up Eddie. I heard ‘Boogie in the Burt’ on the radio the other day.

  26. My apologies to Juan Carlos. He knows what’s up.

  27. “boogie in the burt”, you say? that’s ernie’s music.

  28. As I’ve mentioned here before, I’m coaching an all girls basketball team in a local rec league. My kid is small (I’m 5’10”, Mom is 4’11”) but much more skilled than most. She’s also (unfortunately) wired like her father and takes failure very hard. Which means she doesn’t shoot often for fear of missing despite my constant insistence that she shoot. Today she finally started to let it fly. And she knocked down three jumpers and reacted with surprise/joy each time. It was one of the best things I’ve experienced in a long, long time.

  29. No better feeling than witnessing a kidlet have a breakout.

    Hubbard's Cave Milk of the Murder Hornet milkshake beer snobs would like.

  30. yesssss, mark. that's the best.

    i ran today for the first time since i wrecked my knee in august 2020. i'm in decent cardio shape from playing soccer and riding the peloton. but man, there are muscles that running distance taxes in whole new ways. just three miles and i got soreness in places i forgot i had.

  31. you guys aren't gonna believe this, but jmu dropped a 50-burger on the tribe in the first half and w&m trails by 21 at the break.

  32. if you’re watching olympic ice dancing, my guy jimmie manners worked with both of the american couples in the top 4 after the first round. also true if you’re not watching.

  33. check out the ben patrick knee stuff and start walking backwards and doing the patrick step. also, rutgers! that gave made me sweat yesterday . . .

  34. I saw Billy Strings last night. Check that dude out if you can.

  35. 11 years ago I was in Vegas for my bachelor party on Super Bowl weekend. I very much want to back for a Super Bowl weekend. It’s a ton of fucking fun.
