Monday, November 08, 2021

Happy Belated 18th, Gheorghies!

Gheorghe: The Blog is 18 years old! 

Yes, we missed it yesterday, what with it being the Lord's day, and a day of rest, and Mark and Greg and I were nursing our hangovers from the mini-summit, and the rest of you are just lazy and forgetful.

But now, like the religious tradition of turning to your neighbor and offering, "Peace be with you," let us all gheorghies turn to each other and offer a moment devoid of taking ourselves too seriously, and glad tidings amongst our little band of misfits and meanderers.

May Gheorghe be with you.

Also born on November 7: Marie Curie, Leon Trotsky, Albert Camus, and Judy Tenuta.

18 years is a long time. Gheorghe: The Blog is old enough to vote, buy a gun, or even join the armed forces. Old enough even to drink a beer . . . if you happen to be in Sydney, Fiji, Montreal, Johannesburg, or 83% of the countries in the world. Just not in the United States for another three years. And never in Murfreesboro, Arkansas or in a number of dry counties across this great country of ours.

Anywho . . . happy belated birthday, gheorghies. Drink up.


  1. cheers, you magnificent bastards

  2. NCAA constitution draft just dropped. Gonna be a crazy few years.

  3. nyt wrote about rootsy's friend nimblewill nomad:

  4. I just saw that this morning. He’s about to be back in the (newly renovated) caretaker’s cabin on Flagg Mountain in Alabama. I imagine this media coverage will lead some folks to pay him a visit. Smart thing about keeping a daily journal is that it can be turned into a book fairly easily. I’m hoping he’s got some good years left of speaking engagements and mountain caretaking.

  5. Rootsy, is your trail name "pooter scooter"?

  6. Nope. T Bone Walker, or just T Bone for short is fine.

  7. Not only does zwoman's dog not observe daylight savings, the dog also has diarrhea so she barks to go out all night. Last night I had to take her out at 1 am, 3 am, and 4:30 am so she could Jackson Pollack the backyard. Then she barked again at 5:30 am thinking it was time for her standard 6:30 am rise-and-shine-and-eat-and poop. The night before last she got up multiple times too. I'm exhausted.

  8. T Bone! T Bone!

  9. 30 years ago, rob and I watched Quantum Leap fairly frequently. The "Leap Home" episodes were fairly stirring, as I recall.

    I don't know whether it holds up, but RIP Al. Thanks for working with Ziggy to try get Sam home again.

  10. I haven't seen it in many moons, but I bet it holds up.

  11. Also, I think it's time to drop the pretense of it being zwoman's dog. If the pooch was truly hers, she would be doing the doody duty. I suppose being rudely awakened is preferable to unwittingly stepping in dog shit on a late night trip to the loo.

  12. "Dear Rider", a documentary on Jake Burton is very good.

  13. Dear Abby, Dear Abby
    This dog gives me fits
    It's up at all hours with violent shits
    I curse the pup hourly and deny that she's mine
    I say she's Zwoman's, but's it's clear that I'm lyin'
    Signed, tired Zman

  14. TR is famous for his toilet snake.

  15. Way up in WI hanging w my boy and fogtb, K Lynch. Cancer got another one, his wife Angie, one month shy of her 50th. Fuck cancer.

  16. saw that on facebook, danny. please give kev our condolences.

  17. Yeah, echo that from me. There’s a whole lot unfair and not right about that. Best to him.
