Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Filling Your Day with Fulfilling Filler

 Good morning, gheorghies. This makes me smile.


  1. that's a great way to start the day.

    also great, finding out i'm negative for the covid.

    less great, still being positive for the persistent cough.

  2. That's tremendous filler. I'd watch a Behind the Music on this.

    Having a cough is no longer acceptable, no matter the cause. Hope it abates soon.

  3. 3/4 of the way to a ‘fuck it, why not’ four-game parley win to start my hoops gambling season. need delaware/la salle to get to overtime and the hens to cover -6.

  4. sooo close. stupid hens. and stupid me for getting greedy on a 4-teamer.

  5. Reno 911! The Hunt for QAnon. It's a real thing, coming next month, and I'm their huckleberry.

    This may be the only way we tackle ridiculous, moronic humans who wield too much influence into the future... fighting fire with fire

  6. Also, Paul Gosar... you are just asking for a video depicting yourself being buggered by large, hairy smurfs (and loving it) to make the rounds. Somebody get on that.

  7. Lots of gheorghie action today

  8. 2/3 hit on today's parlay. providence (-13.5) only beat new hampshire by 11. i'm not very good at this and yet i'm still up 3x on my initial investment. good clean fun.
