Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Your Testicles and You: Yet Another Reason to Give Your Hang-Lows a Warm Bath, Even if You Feel Bad About Modifying Your Sperm's Mobility

Michael Keaton was on a podcast with Bill Simmons a couple weeks ago. It was enjoyable. But Simmons glossed over Johnny Dangerously while reviewing Keaton's career. Simmons mentioned that movie, but ignored a comment by Keaton that the movie had a cult following. I would have enjoyed a few tidbits from Keaton on that flick. I once wrote a blog post on that movie, fer crissakes! Enjoy this scene anyway. I can't wait to show this movie to my kids and then hear about it from my wife, only to respond that I saw this movie 20 times before I turned 10 b/c my folks were divorced and parented via cable TV.  

But while we are here to talk testicles, we're not here to talk about that movie. We are here to talk about a German woman and testicle baths! Shall we? 

First, let's talk about British inventors. More specifically, let's talk about James Dyson. He is (according to the world wide web) a "British inventor, industrial designer, farmer and billionaire entrepreneur." Yes, he is the guy behind the vacuum cleaners and the hand dryers. He has invented a bunch of other stuff too and owns a 91-meter yacht. That seems...unnecessary. 

With all his fame and wealth, James started a foundation, as well as a contest to reward budding young inventors. And that's how we get to Rebecca Weiss. Miss Weiss is an industrial design graduate from the University of Munich. Miss Weiss was diagnosed with precursor cervical cancer, which is no laughing matter. She realized that oral contraceptives were not ideal for her condition, which created an issue for her and her partner. And overall, she noticed there was a lack of male contraceptives. 

So she took matters into her own hands (figuratively). She designed an ultrasound deep heat bath for a man's gennies that impacts sperm mobility, meaning they will not fertilize an egg. Pretty brilliant on many fronts. Make the guy do something for a change to avoid a pregnancy! And while I can't speak for all here, I will say that the conceptual idea of dropping one's pair into a heated bath seems, well, pretty pleasant as a contraceptive option. And it looks okay on a shelf to boot. 

Miss Weiss won $3,690 (honest number, currency unknown) for her invention and was added to a list of twenty candidates vying for a final prize of $55,358, which is arbitrary and not all that big, given Dyson is allegedly worth $7 billion. So stay tuned. And maybe consider asking your significant other to bathe your gonads to avoid an accident. Full story here


  1. I saw Johnny Dangerously in the theater. It was impactful.

  2. guessed correctly who authored this post from the headline. feeling good about my acuity.

  3. That’s a layup Rob. I’m off to hike 20 miles to celebrate our 20th anniversary. Sunset/moonrise from the fabled Mcafee Knob at about mile 17, hopefully.

  4. Speaking of which, it’s a full moon tonight here for Tom Petty’s birthday. Were I some sort of DJ, I’d focus a show on that. Alas, tonight I’m just a dude who’ll be playing some TP at the house.

  5. Whenever I read about testicles I think of TR.

  6. playing tp for his bunghole!

  7. Whenever I read about bungholes I think of TR.

  8. If you need an expensive gift for the wife who has everything, you can't go wrong with a Dyson hairdryer. My wife bitched about the cost but can't live without it now.

  9. On the topic of anniversaries, today is the 17th anniversary of the day the Sox won Game 7 in their ALCS comeback against the Yankees. It’s also the 17th anniversary of my dad’s passing. So yeah, that night sucked.

    Today is also the day we closed on our house in CO. So we can turn a bad anniversary into a bit of a better one going forward.

    After my dad passed, I spent that fall/winter listening to a lot of Neil Young when wandering around Manhattan. The song Long May You Run resonated and always made me think of him b/c he was a big runner who completed many marathons. I know the song is not about running, but you know how that stuff sometimes goes - you have a thought during a song, that thought comes back each time you hear the song, and that song brings you a bit of comfort.

    Wife and I left the Title company office today after signing a million docs to close the deal. My wife had The Bridge playing. Long May You Run came on, this time a duet version w/ Stephen Stills. I hadn’t heard or thought of that song in many years. Funny how life is.

  10. Sounds like a good way to turn this anniversary, TR.

    Congrats on the house. Hope you have a spare bedroom for me!

  11. mazel, tr. that's a lovely little gift from the world to you.

  12. two noteworthy events in my world today:

    - went to the office to meet with my direct reports in person for the first time in 20 months (they live all over the country). as i was leaving, i ran into buck marston on the patio of the restaurant/bar in our office complex. was an excellent reunion.

    - my kidlet was named all-district cheer. which is really cool, even as she's ignoring our excitement on her behalf.

  13. Congrats, Rob. Send your kid to CU so you can come out west and visit. Their football team needs some cheer.

  14. I strenuously urge you all to find and watch the 60 second ad for Nevada’s Michele Fiore, who is running for Governor. The ad is so preposterous it seems like a parody. To quote one of the funnier comments I saw on Twitter, “Big ol’ ‘daytime gentleman’s club staff’ energy” there.

    I think I love her.

  15. I was going to turn that ad into a post!

  16. She made a calendar.

  17. I ask this out of curiosity only - what do you think the cup size is? I would guess 36H. They are the stars of her ad.

  18. And TR, that kind of crazy cosmic confluence, especially in music... it never fails to knock my socks off. Here's to you, your dad, your family in a new home, Neil Young, Stephen Stills, and that kick-ass song.

    Wikipedia makes me smile every day: "Long May You Run was an elegy for Neil Young's first car (which he nicknamed "Mort"), a 1948 Buick Roadmaster hearse that died in 1962 when its transmission blew in Blind River, Ontario."

  19. It's been awhile since I heard that album, but as I recall 'Long May You Run' was the lone redeeming track, surrounded by oceans of dreck.

  20. Gotta love Whit doing the research on that song. And yeah - Neil takes a lot of sonic swings. And often misses.

  21. Unrelated music comment - I saw the Bob Weir doc on Netflix. Really good 85 minute story.

  22. my company announced that we're requiring all employees to be vaccinated by 12/8 or be placed on 30-day unpaid leave followed by termination if still unvaccinated. as a federal contractor, we really don't have a choice under the terms of a recent executive order. my best sales rep is unvaccinated and has no intention of getting jabbed. this will be interesting.

  23. Good luck with that one. I managed to get my lone holdout to do it with a combo of compassion for her at risk family members, plus the idea of having to require her to take measures at work that the rest of us could bypass.

  24. Interesting, indeed. I'm just about out of empathy and tolerance for the unvaccinated, though I hope I could be persuaded if someone has a good argument.

    Side note: There's been an inordinate amount of military jet and helicopter activity in our tiny beach airspace in the past few days. Wonder whose sovereignty we're getting ready to violate.

  25. Neil Young took no real swings in the 1980's. Well, he was swinging an umbrella in a baseball game. Opened up.

  26. From WaPo today:

    Former president Donald Trump and his team declared Wednesday night that they would soon launch a “media powerhouse” that would help them triumph in their long-running war against Big Tech. But within hours, pranksters found what appeared to be an unreleased test version and posted a picture of a defecating pig to the “donaldjtrump” account.

    God, I love juvenilia.

  27. Just so long as we don't get so caught up laughing at the joke that we miss the bigger scam...

  28. Hi Whit. This Scolari news really has me down.

  29. He showed his weenus in Girls. Gotta love that commitment (but not that visual).
