Friday, October 29, 2021

Kentucky Fried Goddamn Geniuses: A G:TB Drafts Joint

As Whitney pointed out recently, it's been a slow week here at the content factory. To steal from Homer Simpson, I think alcohol is to blame, the source of and solution to all our problems. That, or employee dissatisfaction due to our vaccine mandate.

Because the gnomes were up to their passive-aggressive ways, I had to dig back into the draft archives to get things moving. And I found a little bit of inspired insanity, featuring old friend Mario Lopez.

Headed out of town tomorrow to capture some content. My eldest is premiering her very first collegiate dance piece - she choreographed and directed it. So I'll be all swole with pride when I head back here. Hope ya'll enjoy your weekend.


  1. Being Mario Lopez seems like a pretty decent gig.

  2. only drawback is having to change his phone number every few weeks to avoid dustin diamond

  3. Dustin Diamond is dead, Rob.

  4. I hope to have content soon. My 12 y/o has his first rec basketball game tonight. He played for a high octane AAU team last winter, was one of the weaker players, and totally lost his confidence. He was great in a practice on Monday and has rediscovered his love of the game. Hoping this rebuilds his confidence. That same 6th grader is going as Da Baby for Halloween (no blackface).

    Wife and I got invited to a costume party on our future block. I have a Hulk Hogan costume I didn’t get to wear for a party in April 2020. It is a bit aggressive, but pretty good. If the fake mustache holds, I’ll go for it. If not, I’ll have to fall back on a 70’s costume. I still get irrationally excited for things like this.

  5. and i posted about his passing, too, marls. i guess the trauma of his death made me forget about it.

  6. I saw a few costumes today that made me lol. Guy at the bank had on an open flannel over his 'wife blesser' with a joe dirt visor/wig combo.

    Best wishes to TR's fake mustache and newly confident baller.

  7. Rob forgot that Screech died? Somebody check his meds.

  8. I audibled to my lederhosen at the last minute. It’s a good look, but they are suede and result in location-specific sweating.

    I apparently told some (many?) people about my sweaty groin. Wife dragged me home.

  9. I think sweaty groin conversation was in chapter eight of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

  10. That’s why Tiara dragged him home!

  11. You’re right, Juan. I think it was Chapter 69.

    The 12 y/o had 4 pts and 3 assists in a very low level rec game. He had a good 2-man pick and roll going w/ a big kid on his team.

  12. Rex Doane's Halloween show is on right now, you can stream it on It's always a hoot.

  13. At Tortuga’s Lie having a Guinness right now after a funeral for a very nice lady and a few minutes restoring my soul on the deck of the Martha Wood Cottage. I need to hustle up to go give my old high school headmaster a hug and let him know what I thought of the love of his life, but for a few minutes, this is as appropriate a vantage point for pondering life and how to live it as any.

  14. Tough day, Whit. Savor the moment.

    Huge win for the Tribe today. We will be ranked after this and, dare I say, may have a shot at making the playoffs.

  15. my daughter and her roommates had a party last night in richmond. she and one of her roomies went as hagrid and fluffy from harry potter. my daughter's roommate was slutty hagrid. i think that may be taking the slutty costume trend jusssst a bit too far.

  16. I always thought he looked trampy.

  17. No such thing, Rob. The slutty (fill in the blank) reignited my love for Halloween when I went to college. Halloween loses a bit of its luster once you reach high school (too old to trick or treat, not old enough for great Halloween parties). Once I got to Gainesville, Halloween shot way up in my holiday rankings.

    In other Halloween related news, my kid has the weirdest costumes. She always just makes some shit up. Last year she was a demon/devil thing that was cool but you couldn't actually name exactly what it was. This year...well... I just asked her what she was and she couldn't tell me. She's got an all body suit that's neon green. She's going to do a bunch of facepaint. I'm sure it will look cool (it always does) but the kid never has a standard costume.
