Thursday, October 07, 2021

Guess Who's Back

When I was flying back from Ireland in 2019 with a merry band of rugby hooligans, we stopped off in Reykjavík -- flying on IcelandAir for ridiculous low fares at the time.

In a bathroom stall, many miles over the ocean from these American States, I looked down and saw this graffiti.

No, not "Iceland Rocks."  It does, but that's not interesting. Nor the chicken scratch nor the stickers, even the Jam-Phish one.

McRib is Back

Why?? Why would someone take the time to write that and only that on an Icelandic airport TP dispenser? Was McRib back when he wrote it? Was that why he was in the stall? Or was he just a fan, keeping the part-time menu item's legacy alive worldwide.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, that fan will be happy to know... McRib is back. Starting November 1, you can get that Frankenstein's monster of a greasy pork sandwich once again. Learn it. Know it. Live it. Take it in the john with you, vinur minn. (That means "my friend" in Icelandic, though it sounds more like wiener man.)

This is amusing.

Get some.


  1. related, in the sense that we're all children of god, my wife just boarded a plane for her first trip to new orleans. i assume she'll show more restraint on her initial visit to that glorious burg than i did on mine, but the place has a way of worming its way around folks' natural inhibitions.

  2. Headed to spend a little time with the democratic candidate for governor this evening. Rob, I’ll pass along your sentiments.

  3. I ate puffin and not-edagered-species whale meat in Iceland but not the McRib.

  4. I’ll be in New Orleans next weekend after a stop in Baton Rouge. Can’t fucking wait.

  5. tell him to stop sending me whiny fucking fundraising emails and start putting out messaging about what he’s for rather than what his opponent is for.

  6. My 14 y/o, who fancies himself an adventurous eater after having eaten venison, elk and quail recently, announced to the whole family in the car recently that “I want to try Rocky Mountain oysters,” knowing full well what they are.

    I told him that he doesn’t need to share that info w/ friends in school. But we may let him do it. I can film it and blackmail him.

  7. Nice fogtb and pretty random mini-summit in Scottsdale with the Buckles, Elmo, McGuire, and yours.

    Anyone else watching Squid Games?

  8. today i'm old enough to have a 20 year-old daughter. ain't that something. whitney got there a few weeks ago, which makes him even older than me.

  9. I'm more of a Ribwich guy myself. I'll take a pass on the rocky mountain oysters.

  10. Yeah, venison/elk/quail meat are a different kettle of fish (kettle of testes?) altogether.

  11. i believe the proper colloquial usage is a banana hammock of testes.

  12. How inappropriate is SquidGame for 12-14 y/o kids? The violence seems campy. I’m fine w/ that.

  13. Just pulled into Williamsburg. Get it on.

  14. Tr, not sure about your kids. My kids, maybe our 13 year old Declan but don't feel he'd be comfortable with it if I let him.

  15. My wife is watching Squid Game. She’s awful and routinely starts shit without me. Squid Game being the latest example. I want to watch it but I’m now watching Outer Banks. It’s awful but it’s got it’s hooks in me.

  16. outer banks is so bad it's good. really, really terrible. and super entertaining.

  17. Seahawks are 2-3 and Russell will be out 6-8 weeks. The Jets have their first round pick in the 2022 Draft.

    Seeing Geno Smith play will finally be enjoyable for me.

  18. Good trade for the Jets. Jamal Adamson basically an undersized, freelancing LB.

  19. Charles (Chip) Esten is at the table next to us with all the Theta Delts and all the women we know keep taking selfies. Seems like they’d want the same with the Whitdog, but as it was said, there’s no accounting for taste.

  20. Dogs do not observe the weekend.

  21. Apparently I don’t either. Woke up wide awake at 5:30. Really tried to go back to sleep. Gave up at 5:45. Sent some work emails and then went to the gym. Fucking bullshit.
