Friday, September 10, 2021

The Chronicles of Big Dunc: Episode One

In a world that's mad with complexity and uncertainty, sometimes what's required is a dose of old-fashioned blunt talk that strips away the layers and reveals universal values. I'm not sure that's what I'm celebrating today, but it's a useful introduction to the topic.

Duncan Ferguson is an assistant coach at Everton Football Club in Liverpool, where he played 139 games over parts of 11 seasons. The Scotsman is known as Big Dunc because of his height (he's 6'4") and the aggressive way in which he used his size. He's the joint leader in Premier League history for red cards, with 8, and he spent three months in jail in 1994 due to an on-field assault of Raith Rovers' John McStay.

Suffice it to say, not many people willingly fuck with Big Dunc.

Last year Everton supporter Jack Simmons reached out to Ferguson asking for help getting his younger brother Tom to focus on his studies. Big Dunc warmed quickly to the task:

And this week, we learned the rest of the story from big brother Jack.

Sometimes the heroes we need are right in front of our fucking faces, lads. Don't fuck the job up.


  1. my kids are NOT happy with john mulaney

  2. Is he the inspiration for Roy Kent?

  3. i think roy keane is likely more of an inspiration. here's a line from keane's biography about a foul he committed during his career:

    "I'd waited long enough. I fucking hit him hard. The ball was there (I think). Take that you cunt. And don't ever stand over me sneering about fake injuries."

  4. if you google 'roy kent inspiration' it seems a lot of people agree with my supposition.

  5. I had to google John Mulaney to get the story. I won't pass judgment, I haven't walked a mile in his shoes but I hear that cocaine is a hell of a drug.

  6. Does take the shine off of Mulaney as wry, self-deprecating, guy-next-door vibe he cultivated. Also, the timeline he presented of rehab-split-Munn appears highly questionable.

  7. I'm generally content to ignore the personal shortcomings of artist whose work I like, or not let it affect my appreciation of their art. Sometimes I can't do it. See: Kelly, R.

  8. My timelines are all spotlessly unquestionable.

  9. I also had to Google John Mulaney to see what was up. Cocaine is indeed a hell of a drug but I'm pretty sure it doesn't make you cheat on your wife. Stay up all night and end up at a driving range and drinking beers at 7 am? Sure. But cheating on your wife and getting your side piece knocked up is on you.

    Speaking of staying up all night, I stayed up for the entirety of Bucs-Cowboys last night. It was an awesome and entertaining game and my guys won, so I'm not mad but I am quite tired today.

  10. I’m always amused that people are stunned that a celebrity turns out to have the same failings that many people have.

  11. i'm fine with whatever mulaney did-- it will be good material for his next special

  12. y'all need to focus more on big fucking dunc

  13. To be clear, Marls is ALWAYS amused

  14. It’s good to be the Marls.

  15. I agree with Marls. Rich and famous people cheat. A lot. So do non rich and famous people. The rich and famous just do it more often because they have more chances to do so.

  16. And thanks, Whitney. I was hoping someone would enjoy the anecdote that I’ve heard about.

  17. Sorry gents, but I don’t have it in me to do a 9/11 post today. I’m trying to avoid the content that’s all over TV.

  18. I did not avoid it. Got to see two of my old buddies’ pictures posted on the telly and their names read aloud. Good enough.

  19. really? they put everyone's picture up-- wow.

    or should I say REALLY?!?

  20. I’m with TR on this. I’m melancholy thinking of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances lost and moved by the heroism of many that day and the days that followed but I have zero appetite for the “murder porn” being served up by the media for ratings and clicks.

    I will “never forget” that day, the friends and loved ones we lost, or what it was like in NYC during those days but I sure as shit don’t need a reminder from the media or some clown on social media with no connection to the event other than seeing it on TV.

  21. PAC 12 takes down another big-time program. Happy to see OSU lose today.

    You all may want to find A&M-Colorado on your telly. A&M’s starting QB rolled his ankle on their second drive and is out. Their backup is awful and can’t get anything going. Colorado went up 7-0 on a run-heavy drive, stopped them and started driving again via the passing game. Colorado’s D looks stout.

  22. I was at the gym this morning and Fox News started their coverage with recordings from one of the air traffic controllers of one the Boston flights. I couldn’t turn away fast enough. None of us will ever forget. I also don’t choose to relive it deeply. I pass no judgement whatsoever in how you remember it. I no longer need a blow by blow. This day always sucks, no matter how many years pass.

  23. TR already regretting not taking his boys to that game. But he’s excited that he gets to meet me tomorrow…

  24. I picked wrong on those choices! J/k. I avoided the game b/c nose bleeds were close to $100 each and I thought it would be a huge blowout.

    There was an epic video review that overturned an Aggie TD. This is a pretty bad game, but the magnitude of the potential upset makes it eventful.

  25. It’s on mute on my second TV. I’m locked in on CyHawk. One of my athletic mentors played safety at Iowa State so I’ve always randomly rooted for them. Also, Kirk Ferentz seems like a real dick.

  26. Nobody hates Texas more than Arkansas. Not a bad night thus far.

  27. Twas a busy day for me. First I mowed the lawn, weeded, trimmed back some bushes that practically exploded with growth after all this rain, and fought back some vines snaking their way up from the woods behind me. Then I put in a good effort on the Peloton (do the Hannah Frankson Carnival ride, Bobby Carnnavale is not involved), did a cool-down and then a stretch. I fed myself and zdaughter a sumptuous lunch of leftover pizza, then showered. Meanwhile, zwoman and zson drive about 3.69 miles up the road to attend Woofstock, a music and dog festival. Dogs get in free but humans pay, and humans can also adopt dogs there too (again, the dogs don't pay but the humans do). zson identified a dog that he wanted, zwoman filled out a bunch of forms and had an interview, her homegirl was randomly there with her family and their dog so she served as our reference, and then I got the call to come down because they won't give out the dog unless everyone in the house shows up. So now I have a 4-month-old black Lab/beagle mix from Crawfordville, GA. Crawfordville is a mouthful so her name is now Georgia (it was originally Dory and that's a fish's name). I voted for Oakley but no one else liked that.

    And I haven't turned the TV on all day.

  28. Georgia! I’m jealous, and inching closer towards breaking my longtime promise to not bring a dog home without permission first. That’s the only way it’s going to happen, and these cats must be put in their place.

  29. Dogs are a huge pain in the ass but they are also awesome. I’ll never not have one. Our bulldog is obnoxious, smelly and rude and I couldn’t love her more. Congratulations, Z. I look forward to all your complaints.

  30. Just had a mini summit with Rob as well as our dogs at a local brewery. The dogs get a lot more attention from the ladies than Rob and me.

  31. Am gathering that no one saw the Notre Dame/Toledo finish. By virtue of it being on the 'cock, a Notre Dame game, and against Toledo, why would ya? Quite a finish. Toledo should have won...almost feel bad for 'em.
    Arkansas is fisting Texas. Good for them! And very pleased with the Buckeye loss.

  32. Rob’s weekend daydrinking is underappreciated.

  33. I saw it Dan. Hell of a show by the Zips. Arkansas smashing Texas makes me happy. FSU struggling with Jacksonville St along with the ND result puts a damper on what we thought was a great game last Sunday.

  34. I drove up to Williamsburg today to take in the Tribe’s win over Lafayette. Boy, does our team suck, by the by. But it was fun to stand in the end zone beer garden and throw back Virginia Beer Company’s Free Verse IPA while seeing old friends and telling old stories. A great day.

