Wednesday, September 22, 2021

ORF Rock Returns

Last night was Show 2 of the new and improved ORF Rock, our local hometown radio show. I had hoped to post the video, but the meanies at the record companies have blocked it, since it has licensed content. And hilarity. And a Zman shout-out. And good music like this:

Those into nostalgia can sift through our show from 6 years ago. 



  1. wishing the gheorghiest of birthdays to my man whit. he's about two years away from being indistinguishable from his quite distinguished old man, 'cept his pops will still have better hair - so enjoy him while you can. sending much love and affection from leesburg to the orf.

  2. Happy birthday Whit! Never stop wearing a suit to do a radio show.

  3. on a whim, i bought a bag of paqui haunted ghost pepper chips. two observations: 1) they're quite flavorful; 2) they're hot as fuck - so far i've only eaten one at a time.

    paqui has an annual one-chip challenge where they pour all kinds of menace into a single chip and dare you to eat it. i shall not be trying it. but if someone else does, please record it for postcount purposes.

  4. That sounds like something dumb enough to intrigue me. I am pretty comfortable eating things that are hot AF. I knocked out the hottest Buffalo Wild Wings sauce to impress my kids once. No issue there. But super hot foods give me hiccups, which quasi-emasculates me mid-challenge. Hard to appear to be a food assassin w/ uncontrollable hiccups.

  5. Happy birthday Whitney. Do you and your co-host wear business attire specifically for the show?

  6. Thanks, JC. This was one day 6 years ago when we came straight from work. But it seems to have gotten a response so we should try it more often.

  7. zwoman took our lab/beagle mix (beagador? labeagle?) to the vet and the vet said "Oh, you adopted a pit bull!" So I guess my first dog will be a lot of dog.

  8. So it's an "our dog" situation again?

  9. Happy B-day, Whit.

    It's always 'our' dog.

  10. Happy birthday to the "our dog" of this blog!

  11. "You're the Man Now, Dog"

    Happy Birthday, Whit

  12. Happy birthday Whit. May it be filled with Springsteen and 20 game winners.

  13. Thank you, gents. This dog is having his good day.

  14. We let our 12 y/o watch Rick & Morty. Maybe we shouldn’t, but it’s the second kid, and they are all learned up on foul language already. He comes up to us tonight to talk about Halloween. He says he wants his costume to be from that show.

    “Do you want to be Rick or Morty,” I naively ask.

    “Neither,” he responds. “I want to be another character.”

    “Which one?”

    “Mr. Poopybutthole” (which is, apparently, a real character)

    “No way dude. We’re new in town. Sorry not sorry.”

  15. Come on TR. What better way for your boy to find his people?

  16. Happy Birthday Whit!
    And, I'm late to the Ted Lasso bandwagon because, well, life...
    Just finished binge watching S1 & everything out for S2.
    Now I can't get the Roy Kent cheer out of my head and I might have to start watching EPL soccer.

  17. I cannot believe the volume of dogshit that comes out of zwoman's 24 pound dog. I feel bad when she's in her crate so I let her hang out in my office with me so I can keep on eye on her and prevent her from shitting on the floor. I had to take my eye off her to retrieve something from the printer, and she took this opportunity to drop a huge pile of dogshit behind me. I learned this soon afterwards when I took my first step away from the printer and stepped right on the deuce, which was fresh and plastic so my foot skidded through it. Luckily I did not slip and fall. Unluckily, I ground the dogshit deep into zcarpet and into the grooves of my slippers (although I guess it's better than being barefoot). There was a lot of yelling and swearing while I cleaned zrug (the first purchase zwoman and I ever made together so I'm too fond of it to throw it away).

  18. And I keep the dog in the crate, not zwoman. That second sentence should be clearer.

  19. "zwoman's 24 pound dog"

    Keep trying to speak it into existence, z.

  20. My wife gets the Hispanic panic with our dog out here in CO. She read about rattlesnakes on trails, so she now thinks the dog needs to have the leash as short as possible, which is no fun for the dog. I tried to explain that snakes are cold blooded and don't hang out in the open at night. She loved me mansplaining reptiles to her.

    She heard about somebody in our town whose outdoor cat was snatched by a coyote, so she now doesn't want to ever let the dog out in the fenced-in backyard of our house, even though coyotes only hunt at dawn and dusk.

    There's always something going on with a dog. Wait until she eats one of these sometime soon: a Lego, his own turd, a bone, a stick or an acorn.

  21. Thank you, Shlara!

    Ted Lasso… I was early to the party and I’m still loving it. I’m such a sucker for that stuff.

  22. "Wait until she eats...his own turd..." I'm a pretty open minded guy, but I'm not sure zdog can pull that one off.

  23. headed out soon to go see the avett brothers at wolf trap, and it's a glorious early autumn evening. giddyup.

  24. A day late but Happy Birthday, Whit, Beer on me in South Carolina in November.

    We had some coyotes living in the sewer in our neighborhood last year that were snatching up cats. My wife has completely panicked about letting the bulldog out in the backyard at night. I was less concerned.

    As for Ted Lasso, I blew through Season 1 but knew my wife would like it so I stopped and told her we should watch. That went nowhere despite me promising her she'd love it. Eventually one of her friends told her the same and THAT convinced her. Of course, she fucking loves it. We finished Season 1 and are about to start Season 2. The only upside(s) to all of this is I got to watch Season 1 again and she also finally took my advice and watched both season of Barry.

  25. i'm going to title the book i write about my dog, "how i learned to stop worrying about my dog eating turds (and other animal stories)".

  26. Thanks, Mark -- I look forward to it.

    Seems like we need a new post to get off this gross subject. Anyone?

  27. When zwoman's dog shat on the floor the day before yesterday she said "On the bright side, I need a poop to bring with me to the vet." Yesterday we got the poop test results: positive for Girardia (no relation to Joe) and some sort of worm so today we had to pick up a bunch of pills. I had Girardia once and it's aaaaawful and the medicine tore me up. So of course the dog puked in its crate after taking the medicine, but luckily she scarfed the puke down so I assume she got a full dose of the drug.

    Whit, I changed the subject from the gross stuff.

  28. happy birthday whit!

    i need to listen to more canned heat

  29. i love barry! is that show still going?
