Thursday, September 02, 2021

Add One More to the To-Watch List

Coming soon...

In the meantime, I'm waiting (for the man).


  1. I'm going to need to find someone to pass down my list of unwatched music docs to when I perish. I don't plan on that being anytime soon, but with the pace of progress I need to just plan ahead.

    Perhaps I'm thinking that way because my 'adopted hippie uncle' just approached me about being his power of attorney if anything should happen to him medically. He also said I need to come over so he can show me where the money and drugs are hidden.

  2. I got a drawer needing emptying should the big aloha come to pass. Somebody step up.

  3. When our larger than life pal Dave Flynn left us, the next day we divvied up his leftover stashes of various types (car/desk drawer/other hiding places) and all partook simultaneously. A fine tribute.

  4. I’m afraid in this case that could be quite dangerous or lead to some type of psychotic break. It is an honor to be nominated, and I’ll do my best when the time comes.

  5. that’s all anyone could ask, roots.

    whit, jeff and i will assemble the respective teams and honor you appropriately. it could well be the first week-long hangover of my life. and it’ll be worth it.

  6. Game on in Minneapolis. I missed college football so much.

  7. I am still trying to learn the Xfinity (Comcast) cable channels I have. So when Mark said “game on in Minneapolis,” I had to take a deep breath and start searching for the game. I feel like a boomer.

  8. Oh, It’s on Fox. No need to keep searching for the Big 10

  9. Fun while it lasted. Still fun watching UCF get their ass kicked.

  10. You mean the “2017 National Champions” UCF team?

  11. UCF - Boise has turned into a good one. Nice for me that it’s early enough that I can watch the end.

  12. John Pierce, the attorney representing 17 Capitol riot defendants (that's more than any other private defense attorney), is in the hospital, on a ventilator, and unresponsive due to covid, so his associate, who is not a licensed attorney and might not be able to obtain a license given various felony charges brought against him recently for intercepting communications, unlawful use of an audio device in court, and other theft and conspiracy charges, has been appearing in court for him.

    This is the type of lawyer who represents Capitol rioters.

  13. What about the Strom Law Firm, Z?

    (Joke for one)

  14. Pierce represents Kyle Rittenhouse too. Quite the impressive client roster.

    The Strom Law Firm is legal ninjas.

  15. I'll bet that fill in lawyer has some serious bootstraps.

  16. My wife won a trip to a resort in the Keys (Hawks Cay) through work. We were supposed to go all week next week. They sent out an email today cancelling the trip due to COVID concerns. No mention of them being concerned about her or other employees being in and out of restaurant kitchens all day doing their job and bringing in business. And then, and this is good, they called to let her know that they were offering great rates at the resort if we felt like going on our own dime. Seems like maybe COVID isn’t the actual concern here. What a bunch stupid assholes.

  17. Mark, over the past few days I have heard of a few people acting incredibly douchily in the name of COVID in some way shape or form. Add this to the list. The pandemic is a terrible thing, but some jackasses have found a nice silver lining in it which permits them to be bigger jackasses.

  18. Tribe getting 30.5 at UVA tomorrow. Get some.

  19. here’s a covid-related doozy, personal division. rolled out for my sister in-law’s lake house in eastern ohio. six hours later, pulled into the driveway just as she stepped out of her car and told us she’d tested positive. she and her kids headed home, leaving the place to us. zoinks.

  20. That sucks, or does it?
    Very pleased that normal cfb is back in our lives. Have watched this entire unc vatech game which the hokies have controlled, but have feelings that tech will step on their pee pees and at least make it interesting.
    And Mack Brown does not look good.

  21. That’s a bit of a win based on previous Lake House stories though (assuming everyone will be healthy) no?

    I’ll miss the Keys because the Keys are fucking great and I haven’t been in nearly a decade but these are decidedly first world problems. I’m half drunk watching CFB and will be doing so for the next 24-36 hours (watching CFB, not drunk. Subtract a few hours for that part). Things could be much worse.

  22. it’s less of a win because we won’t be able to use the boats and my kid won’t get to hang with her cousins. we’ll likely go home tomorrow.

  23. Well then that is a bit of a Dagger.

  24. Dan, your capitalization of Dagger is appreciated.

    Tech hangs on. Whoopsie, Carolina.

    Mark, we knew you’d make the best of an annoying situation.

  25. The first weekend of CFB is my sports Christmas, Whit. This weekend was always going to be be fun.

    And Dan is right. Definitely a dagger considering the round trip drive for Rob.

    I Can’t say I’m sad to see the Tarheel hype train go off the rails early.

  26. rob is just a bit too short to drive the boats on his own . . .

  27. they’re big fucking boats, dave

  28. also, the keys aren’t here

  29. I am in Breck, trying to convince the family they want to be here for a summer w/e. On tbe schedule, we have hiking, a gondola ride to a mid-mountain adventure park, a ghost tour, and fishing. And there is a lot of complaining.

  30. I had a lil dagger of my own today. Drove from Roanoke to pick up my kid just above Shockhoe Bottom in Richmond to drive him to Greensboro for a soccer tourney. Scooped him up and found he’d left his bag at the hotel 30 mins in wrong direction. Ouch.

  31. Shockhoe Bottom sound like the frattiest place on earth.

  32. Have you guys seen trailer racing? Caught the end of a race on some strange free streaming service in an air bnb. It’s like demolition derby, but the winner is chosen from the surviving cars by fan applause.

  33. I showed my boys Family Guy for the first time. They had been begging forever. Wife had retreated to bed, so I indulged them. The two episodes were 10/10 on the funny scale, and only 2/10 on the filth scale, relative to the show’s average. Just one rogue bukkake joke. So yeah, they are hooked.

  34. My favorite FG episodes are the one in the Deep South, the one at the Willy Wonka-like beer park, and the one where when Peter drinks he becomes a musical virtuoso.

  35. fogtb tj quinn has an amazing story on about long-haul covid and how it continues to affect him and clemson defensive lineman justin foster. ken, this must be so hard on him and his family.

  36. Read that yesterday as well. Remarkable storytelling.

  37. Sitting at beach streaming cfb coverage on Sirius while watching my boy surf. Beauty of a day here. Will be home by 3 to watch the games with a couple neighbors. I feel a drunk comin on...
    TR diving in to the outdoorsy world of Colorado head first. Is there any other way to dive? I love it TR, even if your fam doesn't.

  38. Thanks, Danimal. We decided to go very light on rec sports this fall to free ourselves up for exploring. The altitude (9,600’) makes things a bit harder.

  39. On the beach here in SE VA. It’s like 80° with a breeze. Bee-you-tee-ful. Currently having a cold Guinness.

    For a while there were more dolphins (porpoises) in the water than people. Dancing, jumping, horsing around. Love that shit. Dude in our group took the paddle board out and got bumped over by one. Life is swell. Cheers, gheorghies.

  40. Just made my first bets of the CFB season. Maryland and Iowa. Giddyup!

  41. Life is indeed swell. Gorgeous day here on the Florida coast. Indoors watching football but the pool is in the future mid-afternoon. I also feel a drunk coming on. The CFB slate is loaded beginning at 3:30.

  42. Alabama is Alabama but Miami sucks. And they’ve sucked for the last 20 years. Doesn’t matter what they do. They suck.

  43. hurricane ida flood pics-- my house was riverside for a day . . .

  44. We caught the end of Sconny-PSU and OU-Tulane at a sports bar today. Both were fun. WVU - Maryland is another fun one, although I don’t love the Terps’ new unis. Looks like they are copying Clemson.

  45. Have had a dozen or so of my fave seltzers today Crooks and Marker. Going to top off with an Angel's Envy Rye which is....choice.
    And just learned that my nephew Joe, the oldest of the sister that has, wait for it....12 kids, just got engaged. He's 18. So if history dictates, she'll have a kid that will be an aunt or uncle younger than his or her niece or nephew.
    How's your vacation Rob?

  46. did not have scoreless first half on my clemson/georgia bingo card

    just got home from my 'vacation', danimal. gonna turn lemons into lemonade and use all the food and booze we bought for a cookout with friends tomorrow. did meet my sister-in-law's friend's dad this afternoon. he'll turn 90 in a few months, and he spent about an hour on a jet ski. dude is a legend.

  47. Feeling this is a genius move by Duke's Mayo...never had it or heard of it but will be buying some. ROI here is positive.

  48. i eat mayo on one thing and one thing only: bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. otherwise, nada.

  49. If you aren’t using dukes then you’re fucking up.

  50. Question for the masses: is Georgia tip-top or is Clemson in for a very long post-Lawrence season?

  51. I like Primal Kitchen avocado mayo. Wife and I also commented about Duke’s. We had never heard of it. I would be totally fine with Clemson having a down year. Had enough of Dabo.

  52. Dukes is a southern thing. It’s the only mayo in my house. I’m not a huge Mayo guy but I like it on a sandwich. Florida officially has a QB controversy. Anthony Richardson is a stud.

  53. I know plenty of people around town who are Duke’s purists. Like Mark, I’m not a big fan of mayo, but just a touch of Hellman’s light on a dry sammie works. And tuna salad or chicken salad.

    But I like mustard a million times more. Who doesn’t?

  54. I think the Cheese Shop only uses Dukes, particularly in their house dressing.

  55. Homefield Apparel makes dope college gear. It’s all old school stuff. I dropped hundreds of dollars when they released their Florida collection. They also sell Dukes Mayo merchandise. Get hip hip to it, Yankees.

  56. i’m aware of homefield. their stuff is really cool. but their w&m catalog is sadly lacking.

  57. Duke’s is the only mayo —bc it doesn’t have sugar. Bought fresh house dressing yesterday to bring home when I dropped some things off to son at WM. He met me in WM Hall lot. Didn’t want me to come to his dorm/room. Ouch!
