Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The True Story of Joe Jackson

Sorry, good people. Those looking for "Say It Ain't So" or content on the banned ballplayer affiliated with the fictionalized quote should look to Eight Men Out or even Field of Dreams. Or here:

Or here:

Or here:

But today I'm here to talk about another Joe Jackson -- the piano playing one.  Today is his 66th birthday. Look over there. (Where?)

Who here knows Joe Jackson... beyond "Is She Really Going Out With Him?"

TR does, a little. And OBX Dave does, a lot. I know KT knows him quite well, as they played rugby together as lads in primary school. Kidding, buddy.  But Kenny is more of an aficionado than most.

Rob and I are old and savvy enough to have listened to one of the great debut albums of our time over and over in our Williamsburg and Arlington days. And we certainly looked sharp doing so. The first song on that album remains my favorite tune of his. "One More Time." Great stuff.

"Steppin' Out" made some MTV headway in its day -- no, no, mon, not dat "Steppin' Out," dis one:

But for a heavily charting '80s pop star, super stud pianist, lyrical pioneer, and true talent, he's gone relatively unsung.

It's his birthday. Give him a listen on your radio if you've got the time. He's the man. Put the playlist below on shuffle and give him one more time.


  1. chicken on my head!

    joe jackson is such an underrated musician. killer tune after killer tune.

  2. Did the Washington Football Team pick a new mascot yet? When is that happening?

  3. Can't tell you how many times Look Sharp and I'm The Man helped me get home in the middle of the night after covering games in Virginia and Tobacco Road.

    Jackson is a gem. Perhaps a bit of a perfectionist, as well. I recall that one of you in the audience pointed out that he recorded a live album, but required the audience to remain silent. That's ... something.

    Also partial to his longtime bass player, Graham Maby. Laid down great licks on so many tunes. He also played with They Might Be Giants, Marshall Crenshaw and Natalie Merchant, among others.

  4. marshall crenshaw and joe jackson, spiritual siblings. in my unprofessional opinion.

  5. My then college age uncle hipped me to joe jackson when I was in second grade. I revisited it a few years ago, and it holds up well.

  6. watching anderson.paak on axs. seen some hip hop that doesn’t translate well live. that does not describe him. killing it.
