Tuesday, August 24, 2021

RIP, Charlie Watts

As a Stones fan who has read a couple books about them, it's hard not to be a Charlie Watts fan. When the Stones first came to NYC in the 60's, it was Mick, Keith and Brian Jones raising a ruckus with models and celebrities at the hot spots in town. Charlie Watts chose to sneak off to jazz clubs downtown to watch his heroes play. He was a class act and a pro from the start, and the backbone to that band over 5+ decades. 

Charlie passed away today. He was a titan of rock and roll and will be missed. 

(Feel free to add more and better videos to this)

How about this? Love this shit.


  1. A well-trod tale by now, but I do love the one where Charlie Watts punched a drunk Mick in the mug after he'd been asking "where's my fucking drummer" and simply said "you're my fucking singer."

  2. Apparently it’s a Beatles crowd here.

  3. Here's Charlie playing jazz : https://youtu.be/Srb1sDXsqNM

    I would have added to the post, but I don't know how to edit one once it's already up.

  4. i'm far more familiar with the lore of the beatles than of the stones, but i find it interesting how many people are saying that watts was the glue that held the band together, at least musically.

  5. Just a rock steady back beat that made it all go the way it's supposed to go. Bill Wyman's book "Stone Alone" was based on his tour journals, and he kept a tally of hookups among The Stones. Bill was prodigously active, and Charlie remained faithful to his wife the entire time.

  6. I’m more of a Stones guy than Beatles. I was rather busy at the salt mine today though. Rootsy’s first comment summed it up perfectly.

  7. From Giti, our pal the 7 Mary 3 drummer: “Played a gig the other night with some friends, and we covered this tune [‘Miss You’]. I played it a little funkier, with more syncopation on the hi hat. The brilliance of Charlie Watts’ playing is how understated he was. I pride myself on not overplaying, and even when I held back, I still played more shit than he did on this recording. Such a badass. No ego.”

  8. I found an Apple Music Playlist of Stones tunes at the gym today and took in an hour of tunes. I thought of Charlie and Midnight Rambler stood out as a fun one. And then Tori Amos came on, covering Angie. I changed the music at that point.
