Friday, August 06, 2021

Froadin Mogs

More Mogs!  I'm on Morgan Motor Company's email list so I'm periodically treated to insanity like this:

That's right, they converted the Plus Four into an off-road Safari-style contraption called the Plus Four CX-T.  No one needs this.  In fact I'm not sure anyone wants this.  And perhaps Morgan knows both assertions are true--they're only making eight and each will cost £170,000 (that's about $237,000 according to Google).

I'm conflicted.  On one hand, this seems like those stupid $300 Best Made hipster axes.  Just as the young man in Cobble Hill with a beard and beautiful black and white portrait tattoos will never actually fell anything with his fancy hatchet, no one is going to tear their quarter-million-dollar CX-T around dirt roads in Great Malvern only to wind up sitting on a cargo box staring off into the distance with a random make-shift campfire behind them.  Or maybe it's more like commercials from the 1980s that make relatively mundane or stupid toys seem exciting, typically by putting the kids in some awesome backyard with tons of rocks and trees and a creek.

On the other hand, I'm delighted that people are off proudly and passionately doing ridiculous shit like this.  They could've turned the Plus Four into some stupid seven-passenger SUV with fifteen cup holders, five TV screens, a digital gauge cluster, and no buttons on the dashboard.  Instead they made something really unique, albeit dumb.

Car guys are still out there!


  1. This is ridiculous, and I'd like to have one for my offroading adventures in Western Maine next week.

  2. Indiana Jones would drive that. After he stole it from the Nazis in the desert.

  3. fucking mogs. want.

    in other news, i introduced my daughter to the joys of moshing to 'fiesta' while we drove down 95 to richmond.

    in other other news, please say a prayer for me as i have to assemble three different ikea furniture items in her new apartment this afternoon.

  4. Oh my Lord. Three IKEA sets in a day is a Herculean task. I will pray for you.

  5. her apartment is in the heart of the fan in richmond. it's nicer than any place i lived in as an adult until my current house. hardwood floors, exposed brick walls in a few places. it's sweet. 450 steps from brother swaney's house in the same neighborhood.

  6. Good luck Rob. Is Swaney handy?

  7. Weezer has no sense of what makes a cover song great. Their "Enter Sandman," like their "Africa" and every other cover, is a mission to replicate the original so completely as to confuse the listener as to which is which. Pointless.

    What I think of covers, I covered in 2004.

  8. swaney is reasonably handy. he’s also in jacksonville, as it turns out.

    two ikea builds down, one to go.

  9. Anybody else very excited/nervous for USA-France tonight? Just me?

    And as discussed here earlier in the week, housing for today’s college students is absurdly nice.

  10. all assembly completed. smashed one index finger with a hammer. contemplated smashing one piece of furniture...once. all in all, we’ll call it a success.

  11. Sydney McLaughlin is easy on the eyes. She has a chance to really cash in on her win.

  12. She already has a pretty impressive endorsement portfolio. I’m sure it will grow exponentially based on the past two weeks.

  13. i have no particular affinity for barca, but i love messi. best offensive player to ever live, as far as i’m concerned. the prospect of seeing him in a psg jersey is kinda gross.

  14. I just saw the video of the Foo Fighters trolling the Westboro Baptist crowd. Pretty awesome.

  15. You can’t stop rudy goebert, you can only hope to contain him.

    But, US seems intent on defending. France in trouble.

    I’ve watched nearly zero of the competition so far, so I don’t know much.

  16. The entire nation of Japan will go bonkers if they get this last out.

  17. My odyssey to get my crap and my family to Denver is nearing completion. Just boarded a flight at Logan w/ my boys. And I was met with a couple more NKOTB fans. One woman has a custom “NKOTB at Fenway” mask, which appears to have sequins. Unclear if she bought it or made it.

  18. Beware the sirens' songs brave Odysseus.

  19. Went to the beach down the street with the family yesterday afternoon. Went out on the intracoastal with friends on a boat today. Summer in Florida is pretty great.

  20. is it possible that kd is underrated?

  21. I’ll disagree with TJ. He’s the best player on earth and has been for the last 4/5 years. He’s also the 3rd greatest scorer in basketball history behind Kareem and Jordan.

  22. Disagreeing with me is the correct choice 69% of the time

  23. markie post and bobby bowden having a interesting conversation with st peter this morning.

  24. Markie Post? Say it ain’t so. She’s at last reunited with Harry Anderson...

  25. Oh right! And Selma, of course. Next up, Bull.

  26. Tiny dictator just informed me that the fall JazzFest is cancelled. Fucking COVID.
