Friday, July 09, 2021

What Car Should a Gheorghie Drive: Juan Carlos Edition

I first met Juan Carlos by the basement back door of Unit M.  He stood there, a fratguy in his kingdom, cradling a plurality of cans of Milwaukee's Best in one arm, talking to a smiling, nodding girl.  He turned to me, an awestruck freshman, and said coolly and calmly "Hey, do you want to shotgun beers til you puke?" I, of course, said "Yes.  Yes I do."  The rest is history.

That night he told me his name and I thought he said Carlos, so I called him Carlos for a while.  I am not alone.  He is, after all, Juan Carlos, King of Spain (which makes Unit M the House of Bourbon).

Before zwoman met him I made mention of Juan Carlos.  She said "Juan Carlos is JP, right?"  JP is, of course, FOGTB JP.  I said "No.  JP is JP.  Juan Carlos is the King of Spain."  zwoman replied "Oh.  So Juan Carlos is Spanish?"  I said "No."  Confused, she said "So no one is Spanish?" and I said "JP is Spanish" so she replied "That's what I thought.  Then why isn't JP the King of Spain?" and I answered "Because Juan Carlos is the King of Spain."  We went around this circle a few more times and she gave up.

It seems like Juan Carlos should have a Spanish car but the only brands I can think of are Hispano-Suiza, which went out of business 80 years ago, and S.E.A.T.  I realize that S.E.A.T. sounds like the name of a bad-guy organization from an Austin Powers movie but I assure you that Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo is real.  You've never heard of them because they never sold any cars in the US and they never made any cars that are cool.  Honestly.  Here's the list.  Hover over those links and you'll see one bland shitbox after another.  I have no idea how the nation that gave the world jamón serrano, manchego, Paz Vega, Balenciaga, mahon, Picasso, paella, Penélope Cruz, flamenco, Rafael Nadal and chorizo failed to come up with at least one aesthetically awesome car.

Juan Carlos is cool.  He's cooler than you but he's cool about it.  It's a very laid-back and discreet brand of coolness.  It's obvious that he's cool and does cool things, but when you learn more you realize that whatever you're looking at is even cooler than you thought upon first impression.

For example, if you go to Juan Carlos's house he will serve you appetizers.  Perhaps fish fillets on a skewer with sliced plum tomatoes and pickled peppers.  You might say "Dam son this fish is dope!  What is it?"  He will understatedly reply "They're fresh sardines" and when you say "These don't look like sardines" he will explain that sardines from a can are not very good at all, and that canning them destroys the flavor, texture, color, basically everything about the fish.  He knows a place where they sell fresh sardine fillets, which he then prepares them ceviche style with lemon juice so they hold up enough to be skewered.  Then when you exclaim how good the peppers are, he will explain how he grew the peppers from seeds he picked up in Seville and then pickled them himself over the winter using a pickling brine of his own concoction.  This happens all the time.  JC's food is superb.

Juan Carlos is amazingly handy.  I won't regale you with all of his tremendous feats of home improvement, but I was stunned when he installed his own underground gas line from his house to his grille.  I was there the first time he used it and he deadpanned "Either we'll have dinner in 30 minutes or I'll blow the house up."  We had dinner 30 minutes later and it was outstanding.

He thus should drive something clearly cool, but also reserved, and that becomes even cooler upon investigation.  It should also be relatively useful for trips to the mulch pit and the hardware store, and relatively easy to work on.  It should be European, clearly.  The marque should have some historical importance with bonus points for significant engineering aspects.

This was harder than I thought it would be, but I should've known better.  Juan Carlos is a complicated man but no one understands him but his woman.

I considered the Audi ur-Quattro.  The hatchback makes it very practical.  The 20-valve five cylinder engine was an engineering masterpiece.  It pioneered Audi's all-wheel-drive Quattro system and it won the World Rally Championship three years in a row.  But these are difficult to work on, which cuts against JC's DYI nature, and they're rare and expensive, which cuts against my goal of keeping WCSAGD attainable.  They also don't quite look the part.  Just a little too big in the hips for the King of Spain to floss.

Ever the VW fanboy, I also considered the Audi RS2 Avant, but it suffers the same problems as the ur-Quattro--expensive as hell and a headache to work on.  But there's plenty to love.  Much like Marls's WCSAGD, Porsche massaged various Audi bits to make the RS2 Avant an unholy speed demon, and it has four doors, a real back seat and a big trunk so you can haul ass while hauling lumber.  Five cylinders sound cool too.

But as with the ur-Quattro, the RS2 Avant doesn't look quite right for Juan Carlos.  He's too sexy for this car.

The Jaguar XJS Lynx came to mind.  It makes sense for Juan Carlos to drive a shooting brake, especially one with twelve cylinders, burled walnut trim and Connolly leather hides.  And they look great.  

But these too are exceedingly rare and expensive.  I'm also not sure he should drive a Jaguar, it doesn't really mesh with his regal Mediterranean vibe.  It's just a tad effete.  

Juan Carlos should drive a 1986 Alfa Romeo GTV6 in black over biscuit, like this:

The best classic under $20,000?  Maybe.  Prices are creeping up so JC might need to shell out $25k to $30k for a really crispy example.  How does this tick all the boxes?  Alfa Romeo is over 100 years old and has more racing wins than any other marque in the world.  Their logo involves a crowned snake swallowing a man whole.  The brand is swathed in manliness and badassery.

The 6 in GTV6 refers to the engine, Alfa's famous Busso V6.  The manifold isn't as pretty as the 164's but really what is?  It still sounds amazing, arguably the best sounding engine ever.  Don't take my word for it, see what Harry Metcalfe has to say:

Harry's homeboy's GTV6 has Quadrifoglio badges and basket wheels which make the whole thing even cooler.  "Needs a fair amount of warming up" (9:55).  "Doesn't rev very high but gets quite musical" (10:33).  "There's bits covering up where the size of it should've been, I can't understand why Luigi didn't make the DIN slot the right size" (12:24).  "Quite a short stroke, wide bore, but it does sound good ... it's quality" (14:51).  "It still looks super neat today and I love that it's the size that it is" (19:04).  "This car is all about charisma and that it has by the bucketload, there is something joyous seeing this car" (19:47).  All of that could be said about Juan Carlos. 

Watch Harry's expression after he downshifts and gets back on the gas around 19:33.  The sound he makes is the same one I made when Heather Graham took her clothes off for the first time in Boogie Nights.  Like JC the GTV6 is a sex machine.  Most importantly, I think Juan Carlos's father had an Alfa at one point so getting another might foster reflection on old memories while creating new ones.

That's what Juan Carlos should drive.


  1. Fantastic stuff.

    My only minor quibble would be that I feel like JC’s car should be from the 70’s.

  2. I can see that. This car was the Alfetta GT in the 1970s. It only had a 4 cylinder engine though. The King of Spain wants the Busso.

  3. playing men's league soccer this summer for the first time in a while. it's a blast, but the 10:30 pm game times really cut into a girl's beauty sleep. get home around midnight and can't sleep for a minute. the groggy is real.

  4. Late night sports is tough. Hard to wind down quickly w/o drinks.

  5. my time on the nyt mini crossword today was impacted by my lack of sleep. still beat dave, but that's not saying all that much.

  6. Estoy muy halagado.

    My dad had an 1974 Alpha Romeo Spider for about 35 years. I would drive it from time to time and that was fun. My dad and my brother are car guys. They mock me for not being one. I was mostly happy driving a Subaru Outback until Jordan S. asked me when I became a lesbian.

    I do sometimes fantasize about having a classic car. I think older cars look better and I would like learn about car maintenance. It's another excuse to buy more tools.

    Zman might be surprised to know that I like classic American muscle cars.

  7. I'm not surprised, everyone loves American muscle. I considered an El Camino SS but that's trying too hard.

  8. someday i will own a shelby cobra. someday.

  9. What a lovely tribute to Juan Carlos. Surely a salve for the wounds inflicted by the good dr. J's burn. I like our Outback, but usually opt for one of the old beaters instead. Mainly so I know I didn't make the car messsy.

    I remember hearing some of the king of spain's williamsburg wisdom on day one at W&M. It was from his brother, so it was mostly about talcing your balls and acting cool.

  10. If you went the El Camino route, he’d have to crank this.

  11. Alejandro Carlos certainly liked dispensing wisdom. While blasting The Spice Girls.

  12. The talcom powder advice actually came from another fratre, Mike S. He attributed his abundance of b.j.'s to that practice.

  13. Abundance??? Just how many did he give?

  14. I didn't ask him at the time. Does he read GTB?

  15. I see no reason to doubt anyone’s dubious claims about blowjobs.

  16. But did he bring you lasagna st work?

  17. The Djokovic - Shapalovalovawholelottalove match was really fun. At 5-5 in the 3rd set, Djoker got the huge service break. Love that dude.

  18. Djoker lost the first set of his first match and hasn't lost one since then. The only person who thinks he won't win three more sets is Matteo Berrettini's mom.

  19. Berrettini’s serve on grass gives me hope that he can hang around. While I’m not tempted to take him +385, +240 for Novak to win in four sets might be tempting.

  20. Is there a picture missing from this post?

  21. this post is much cooler than juan carlos (mainly because in my memory, JC will always be a goat-- a goat in daytona-- but still a goat . . . although i was really impressed with his backyard handiwork and his food the last time i was at his house)

  22. Whit, try "View in web browser" or look from a computer. The videos don't show up on a phone anymore.

  23. I’m pretty sure I was the coolest brother in Daytona. It was that hard.

  24. I want to circle back to Dr J's Outback mockery. That dude drove a Prius. Prius drivers are not allowed to mock Outback drivers.

    This could be a huge weekend for Italian sports fans. I hope they lose at the Euros and at Wimbledon. Maybe I have some anti-Italian feelings as I prepare to end my time here in NJ.

  25. Rob, I’ll give it to you. Puking in your hands in front of a long line to get into a hotel ballroom bar is very cool.

  26. Pip was cooler than Juan Carlos. A goat is a goat.

  27. I just woke up Mrs. Marls with an actual LOL at the bathroom puke comment.

  28. the hotel totally fell for that ruse, which allowed us cover to complete our heist. first and only time i’ve robbed a bank.

  29. Pip was… not very cool on that trip.

  30. At least he wasn’t a lowly goat.

  31. Better to be a free-range goat than a locked-up guido.


  33. I mean, that's a fratty marketing strategy.

  34. wow, TR is really cutting ties with jersey. you sir, are my enemy tomorrow-- i'm rooting for the italian sweep of my favorite sports . . .

  35. An Argentinian friend of then family invited us over tonight for meats and soccer. I am bringing meat, cheese and wine. Look forward to being comfortably full and tipsy by nightfall.

  36. I always root against both Italy and England in soccer so it’s been a tough Euro for me. I’m a little jealous of TR, but coming off a week of booze and food on the beach with my family I probably don’t need that kind of Saturday night.

    Tomorrow is shaping as a pretty great sports day though. I promised my kid a shopping trip to the local surf shop as well so I’m going to have to manage my time well.

  37. All that said, I’ll probably watch UFC and drink some bourbon tonight.

  38. My sons are dying to watch UFC. But they may be sleeping over at Casa de Argentina, saving me that argument.

  39. a friend of ours is the front man of a very successful regional 80s cover band. he and his band mates started a 2000s cover band, and we went to see them this evening at a local winery. live music is the best. i’ve missed it.

  40. Live music is somehow still highly underrated. Working refrigerators are as well. I came home from a week out of town to a garage refrigerator that was struggling to work.

    Just spent the last 30+ minutes moving all types of good food to coolers. As much as a pain in the ass it was, at least I can save that food. If it had shit the bed a couple days ago I’d have been fucked. Looks like a shitty fridge and a deep freezer are in my future.

  41. my osn went to a party and watched the UFC fight. he came home traumatized. i think i'll avoid watching the video . . .
