Friday, June 04, 2021

Up on the Roof

Now that the pandemic is over, expect some crazy live music stunts. Weird locales and impromptu concerts.  Let this be a good residual effect of what has been so bad for so long.

Like, maybe... concerts on the rooftop?  It's happened before!

Here are 4 instances of rooftop performances in rock history.

Jefferson Airplane, New York City, 1968
Edgy (NSFW because of the first loud shout from the band to command your attention), short, and lots of fun. Like Rob in college. The po-po shut it down pretty quick and with extreme prejudice.

Madness, Buckingham Palace, England, 2012
Awfully cool to play from atop the Palace, though it was official and a bit contrived. Still, I love Madness, and there's a nice juxtaposition that exists between this worldwide mega-clip atop the royals and the same song pseudo-performed by the same band in front of the lads' flat on The Young Ones in 1982. (I like the earlier gig better.)

U2, Los Angeles, 1987
Oh, the fuzz. They don't like musical mayhem in the streets, do they? This one is also a bit contrived, but it's got a bit of Edge to it, eh? It's the best video of the lot, by design.

The Beatles, London, 1969
The one that defines "rooftop concert." This remains the last Beatles live performance ever, atop Apple Studios in the UK. There's a backstory, and Billy Preston, and coppers, natch. Read the many stories and the countless factoids about the episode. But watch the short gig, and check out the wonderful "Don't Let Me Down." To know it was their last always grabs me.

Random Idiots, playing on or under a roof near you soon.


  1. my suns +2400 to win it all bet made it over the first hurdle. much excite.

  2. Would be a great story for CP3 (and Rob) to win, but I don't see it happening.

  3. really hoping at this point that they get to the finals and i get offered a good buyout. i think they're capable of beating anyone in the west (and could lose to the nuggets just as easily). but i don't think anyone's beating the nets if they stay healthy.

  4. i don't know if i can play guitar in heavy winds. i vote for under a roof.

  5. Has anyone ever met a Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starship fan?

  6. Like someone who likes all three iterations? No.

    I'm ok with the airplane, but the rebrands shouldn't have happened. Even though they built a city on rock and roll, and all that.

  7. I think the best bet to beat the Nets is the team they’re about to play. I’m pumped for that series. I’m also pretty pumped for Chris Paul. Shit was looking bleak when he couldn’t even shoot but he made a fairly miraculous recovery and Booker is becoming a superstar. James Jones deserves a ton of credit for how he put that team together. Not just the big moves like Paul and Ayton but some of the role guys around them. Mikal Bridges is an awesome two way player (that trade by Philly was a head scratcher when it happened and looks downright disastrous now). Jae Crowder is far from perfect but he consistently plays big roles on winning teams and Cam Payne has gone from playing in China to being a really valuable guard off the bench.

    Lastly, I’m really bummed Jamal Murray got hurt. Denver had a legitimate shot at the title with him healthy.

  8. agreed - the bucks/nets series will be fun

  9. Rootsminer - you proactively listen to Jefferson Airplane?

    I meant any or all iterations of the band. They were around for four decades and I never met anyone who said, "Check out the latest song from..."

    "Jane" is a good though, perfect background music for growing a mustache.

  10. I like these Portugal shorts. The jerseys are turrible.


  11. Jane is outstanding. White Rabbit is in the pantheon. Somebody to Love is brilliant and holds up quite well. Miracles is more than solid; Marty Balin can croon. Runaway and Count on Me are great tracks. Other than that, Airplane and Jefferson Starship are fair to middling (to me).

    Anything Starship ever did should be burned and urinated on afterwards.

  12. some gratitude from you after they built this city on rock and roll, man

  13. In the Behind the Music on Jefferson Airplane/Jefferson Starship/Starshit, Paul Kantner, a JA original mainstay, said famously of that group/song:

    “We built this city?... [jerking off gesture] give me a fucking break.”

  14. A segment of UVa fandom is predictably snarky and superior about the VT football player charged with second-degree murder. Two words for them: George Huguely.

  15. the words they should also remember: yeardley love
