Tuesday, June 01, 2021

A Return to Normalcy, Alternatively Titled "How I learned to stop worrying and love the vaccine"

I went zwoman's cousin's wedding on Saturday.  I don't like weddings but Robbie is a nice kid so I minimized my pissing and moaning.  I first met the bride a few years ago at a different cousin's wedding and I thought she was a stripper.  Her dress wasn't so much a dress as it was a collage of filmy fabrics of varying degrees of transparency.  There was sufficient opacity over the key bits and pieces to avoid causing an uproar but she was remarkably open about what she's working with.

Apparently this is how the bride's distaff friends and family all dress for weddings regardless of their age.  I saw a few things I cannot unsee.  It was as if all the mannequins from Dorothy's came to life.  There were more clear-heeled stilettos than Centerfold's and The Glass Slipper combined. 

No one wore a mask.  NJ's mask mandate ended on Friday so if you're vaccinated you don't have to wear a face covering indoors.  There were about 200 people at this wedding and maybe two were masked.  Even if 95% of the attendees were vaccinated there were still about 10 who weren't, and I'm willing to wager the number is more like 75%.  Hopefully this won't turn out to be a superspreader event.  The venue staff were masked but it was still really weird at first.  zwoman's elderly aunt insisted on hugging and kissing me so I went with the flow--her grandson was getting married and I didn't want to cause a commotion.

My concerns soon faded as I leaned in on my trust in Pfizer's mRNA technology.  A not insignificant proportion of the bride's family is Italian and they're from central NJ.  This is a great combo for wedding food.  The ceremony was relatively brief and we hastily retreated to the open bar area which was surrounded by the classic NJ Italian over-the-top appetizer spread.  There was a massive fish from which servers pulled meat to form fish tacos.  There was a small pig from which servers pulled meat to form pulled pork.  There was a cured meat display complete with the obligatory prosciutto meat curtains.  There was sausage bread (zwoman's family is originally from Jersey City and sausage bread is a regional delicacy).  There was duck breast and a mac and cheese bar and tons of passed hors d'oeuvres in case you got hungry walking from one face-stuffing station to the next.  Everyone chomped openly and notoriously within inches of each other.  It was just like every Jerzy style wedding I went to before the plague.  It was eminently normal.

The bride and groom did the required first dance, as did the bride and her dad, and then the groom with his mother and each of his grandmothers.  Right on cue, the bridesmaids cried and dabbed at their tears between their massive fake eyelashes and the black rivers of mascara.  The groomsmen were surprisingly toolish and I found one puking in the men's room around 10:30 pm.  So it goes.

At some point the bride changed out of her dress into something more comfortable.  It was minimally slutty--it reminded me of the dress Katanga gave Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I guess this costume change was the DJ's cue to get grimy.  This provoked the bride and her homegirls to shake it on the dance floor, which is fine with me as a general matter.  At one point though I heard a familiar strain of music, and the sound of a woman having sex, and then "Real hot girl shit" and then "And if the beat live you know Lil Ju made it."  My eyes snapped to the dance floor and I saw the look of elation on all the young women's faces.  They recognized this song too.  An instant later, the speakers blared "Body-ody-ody-ody" over and over again.  The bride, in her satiny white Marion Ravenwood dress, bent over in front of the entire assemblage of friends and family, and made her ass clap.  For an eternity.

I'm no prude.  I welcome this stuff under normal conditions.  But I just watched this woman forsake all others for Robbie.  She's a wife now!  She can't be clapping her ass at the front of the room like that.  Her father was there!  Robbie just danced with his Grandma Carol and his Grandma Stella on that dance floor!  It wasn't right.

On the bright side, this gave cover to all the other twenty-somethings to make their asses clap too.  And as I already established many of them were questionably attired so it was something else.  Everyone knew the words so there was a lot of singing along.  Every single man under 35 wound up on the dance floor too, working their way behind a receptive clapping ass.  Love in the time of covid, I guess.

So even those youngsters were vaccinated, it could've been a superspreader event of a different sort.

It's nice to see everyone getting back out there again even if it results in incurable venereal disease.


  1. My venereal Rutgers tag is back - how about that!?

    Being able to sit, drink and silently judge a crowd like that must be fun.

  2. The cured meat waterfall is an interesting presentation.

  3. Gimmee all those prosciutto meat curtains!

    I'm likewise leaning into my trust in Pfizer's tech. Masking where the establishment requests it, but not otherwise. My wife isn't thrilled about this, but she's much more of a worrier than I. I figure the vaccine is at least as effective as the cloth mask.

  4. The prosciutto waterfall is pretty standard at these things. You need the meat to be unfurled so you can easily wrap it around the various fruit options positioned at the top of the display.

    Sitting in judgment was fun but I wasn't silent. zwoman's sister's wife loves to judge people so we discussed a lot of things. She's from an upper-upper-class background so our middle-middle-class family events are like anthropology studies for her. zwoman's sister won't admit she's middle-middle-class so she likes to act as if these weddings are just a Jersey thing but I always call her on it with "You mean to tell me you never saw a cured meat platter or a mac n cheese bar at a Long Island wedding?" and she just makes weird noises.

  5. My wife and I used to play a game at weddings : Identify the harlot. It sounds like there were myriad options in this case.

  6. We played "best dress" but it was so ridiculous that we had to break it into age categories.

  7. You have not lived until you have been to a Queens wedding at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach in Queens. This video will give you some idea....


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This video, set to some solid 70’s porn music, provides some additional ridiculousness.


  10. When were you in Howard Beach aside from passing through on the way to the airport?

  11. the ladies have been waiting quite a while to clap their ases! more power to them . . .

  12. Marls was at Howard Beach making this song:


  13. It's not a secret, but Youtube's related video algorithm is absolutely horrible. The videos related to the Russo's on the Bay video include "Mix - Wedding", "Paul Hogan's awesome speech at the Oscars", "Abandoned Puppy Followed Us Home And We Let Him In", "Simple off grid Cabin that anyone can build & afford", and "ACC-Ontario Virtual Graduation 2021", among a dozen more links I will never click on.

  14. Like you haven't already started working on a cabin off the grid.

  15. I am looking live at an NBA court from the 16th row behind one of the benches. Very appreciative to be back at a live sporting event w/ my boys. Almost makes the $14 charge for a Bud Light tall boy tolerable.

  16. Z - you can’t make it though St. John’s Law without at least one Russo’s experience.

  17. Meant to comment on Squeaky's post from the weekend... great stuff. And I also saw the Monkees tour that Rootsy saw. Herman's Hermits joined them for the show at the Norfolk Scope.

  18. I've been to several NJ weddings... the most memorable is Dave's, when we jammed him in a muddy river at the bottom of a ravine in our tuxes at the reception.

    Also been to my uncle's in Clinton and Lud's in Spring Lake. All were rather nice, and none involved ass clapping.

  19. is ass clapping for the same thing as twerking or are these different performance phenomena?

  20. An ass will clap only if you twerk it with sufficient vigor--lackadaisical twerking won't get it clapping.

  21. Consider the gauntlet laid down, Rob.

  22. i believe clapping requires an ass more substantial than mine. it's a very body-positive form of expression, actually.

  23. You're vaxxed now, so get to the gym and grow that peach!

  24. There is indeed a size and scope requirement for clapping any particular ass.

  25. holy huge hoops head whistle day, gheorghies! coach k announces his retirement after next season and brad stevens takes over danny ainge's role and leaves the bench.

  26. making my official head coaching debut this evening with an undermanned squadron. read all about it in the next episode of rob lasso. it'll be a lot like '300'.

  27. Because you only wore a cape and leather briefs?

  28. Which is a real shame considering his lack of ass
